How do we get women to be "Scene" again Yas Forums? In the late 2000s women were hyper feminine. They dyed their hair...

How do we get women to be "Scene" again Yas Forums? In the late 2000s women were hyper feminine. They dyed their hair, dressed in sexy clothes and basically lived to be as much of a sex object as possible. In current times most women dress and look bland or tomboyish and not in a good way. It has gotten so bad that traps are more feminine then the average women. How do we change this so we can all have sexy scene sluts.

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Dumping scene girls till active

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I hate the women wearing men's Jordan shoes the most. Talk about unattractive

I hate how butch chicks are now days

You mean little girls?

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east coast scene queen

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dude, fuck off with your my chemical romance teen girl emo fetish. Maybe if you weren't a gross faggot you could get some girls who aren't fucking butch. .

/scene worldwide tektonik remote the fat and skinny/-threadambolance

God I miss the fucking cool hair colors.

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that fashion has just passed my man, unfortunately it is the way of things. Younger women have different tastes these days, and if you want to keep fucking them you are just going to have to change.

if that was feminine fashion then it'd be harder to avoid traps. heavy make up, dyed o er styled hair, chokers, lots of accessories to hid leg/arm/shoulder shape. it's a recipe for getting a mouthful of cock.

sounds like a good idea to me.


a bit cringe but i don't mind scene girls. just don't bring shit like pic related back, i don't know what you called this look but it was pre-scene,

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Think it was called grunge

Think it was called grunge before

It was actually beginning to come back music wise at the start of the year.
I'd give anything for scene girls to be a thing again.

Those girls generally had terrible attitudes from personal experience.


There should only be three types of women:
>scene girls
>cute girls that look like cute guys trying to look like cute girls

it wasn't grunge. it was goth-metal or some shit. the girls looked too butch.

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how about no

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grunge girls looked more cute and conservative like pic related.

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Bring the style back.
Back in the day, only emo dudes who looked the same way could get girls like these.
>Grow your hair out
>Dye it some unnatural color
>Get a scene haircut

If you're not willing to pay the price, then you don't deserve it.