Sweden is the only smart country that doesn't destroy their economy by shutting everything down...

Sweden is the only smart country that doesn't destroy their economy by shutting everything down. Even without strict measures, they are doing a lot better than everyone else.

Attached: sweden.png (1011x739, 29.26K)

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>using data from a week ago

Attached: 1578287656472.png (530x582, 19.46K)

This shit does not account for ppl that are not yet tested tho or are carriers and unknowingly spreading the virus.

give it two weeks.

>doesn't do wide spread testing
>oh look how low our numbers are

are you really this stupid?

no jew problem there?

All countries have unknown carriers or people that were infected but had no symptoms. It's predicted that around 11% of world's population have already been infected. It means that the death rate for this virus is way under 1%, not much higher than seasonal flue.

Belarus is doing the same as Sweden.. they had less than 60 cases and 0 deaths 2 weeks ago and now they are nearing 4000 cases.

Herd immunity

>a lot better than everyone else
just look slightly to the east

Attached: Winland.png (1220x896, 127.67K)

whats this site youre using?


>It's predicted that around 11%
Based on the same faulty "models". Got any source for that?

Can you tell me what wide spread testing would do?
If i get one and is healthy and all is well, what happends if I get corona 6 hours later?

What we swedes didn't manage was to close down the homes for the elderly in time. Thinks to consider

* Deaths in sweden is mostly old people, and most of them lived in elder care.
* The elderly in swedish eldercare is often frailer and biological older than elders in other comparable countries, as healthy elders tend to recive care at home instead.

Thought many where somalian?

You know, you can be somalian and elderly at the same time.

(If you don't live in somalia that is, lol)

Current statistics,

tinyurl / vsaw5qq

Swedens death per 1 mill is
Twice as high as Denmark
4 times as high as Norway
9 times as Finland

They are doing horrible and are being laughed at by every other nordic country.

yet they'll "recover" faster than any other country, since they don't SHUT DOWN THE ECONOMY FOR OLD ALMOST-DEAD PEOPLE

well swedens little pint sized economy could probably be restarted like a wind up toy so, yea you are probably right.

And now the rest of th enordic countries are preparing to come out of quarantine WHEN THE VIRUS IS STILL THERE

wow what a great plan.


Stefan Löfven. Kjell Stefan Löfven (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈstěːfan lœˈveːn]; officially Löfvén; born 21 July 1957) is a Swedish politician serving as Prime Minister of Sweden since 2014 and Leader of the Social Democratic Party since 2012.

and gets his assistant to buy his coke in rågsved :)

124 rågsved.

so is Yemen.
I think they're not testing so they have like only one confirmed case.
Clearly they're doing better.

There is nothing to recover from lol. Unless you're from some sort of third world country like the US.

The virus will always be there you retard. The reason for all the measures being taken is to stall so that the amount of cases don't go over the capacity of the countrys healthcare system.

Also it's good you moron. It means that the death rate is very low and we will soon have herd immunity.

Just shut down the economy so some 85ywar old can live another 5 months,bro

Yeah, sure OP...

Typical government asslicker - as most Swedes are. I don't blame them tho, their media is highly skewed.

Attached: Annotation 2020-04-15 154334.png (1124x148, 22.83K)

They really aren't, sweden in weird in that about 40 percent of the population lives in single occupant households of course shit takes a while to spread. Still hasn't stopped the death rate of those infected from hovering around 9 or 10% which is fucked

Plz wont someone save the economy oh no plzzzz some user said the exact opposite of reality and now we NEED TO SAVE THE ECONOMY

Considering Sweden only has a population of 10 million, their infection rate per capita is actually large than the US's.

I hope they're making a huge mistake and everyone in the country dies. The country can be used for displaced refugees, that's where it's headed anyway