I just adopted a 10 years old girl. Any tips from anons how to properly raise her?
I just adopted a 10 years old girl. Any tips from anons how to properly raise her?
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make sure she gets 3 proper meals a day
try not to rape her
Penis goes in vagina.
He is wrong, exactly the opposite of what he said
Liar. Go away.
We're having 7 meals a day. Two breakfasts, one major lunch, 4 snacks between lunch and dinner, one major dinner, two snacks after dinner.
We burn our calories by doing 7-hours long hikes and I make her to take care of my laundry and dishes and house cleaning.
Keep her active. Teach her proper christian values. Make sure she understands why hard work is important. Teach her good family values. Do not allow her to slip into today's neo-hippie, far left cultural abomination.
Also make sure she swallows every load ;)
Kys so she is safe from your perversion
Femanon here. Why is swallowing important for men?
We want to keep you healty with good proteins and vitamins
she'd probably get the best guidance by watching you fumble around on rebbit with your dick on your hand. Unless you fuck up and let her become Americanized. Then your double cucking yourself by raising something you could fuck if she had no inkling about how pathetic her new forever dad is lol.
I wanted a more psychological explanation if possible.
We're living indepedent of world's governments. UN is compromised and UNATCO cannot be trusted. It's terror.
Follow this advice and she'll be on a tower with high powered rifle picking off every single faggot that even resembles you by the time she's 16. With help from her black buck bf
She's about to go to through puberty and is probably going to be very rebellious against you. no matter how hard you try to understand she's going to repel simply because of your position. Just don't be a pushover but don't be extremely strict. boys are going to attempt to take advantage of her so you going to have to show her all the tricks of the trade so she allow herself to be manipulated. Other than that they eat mainely chicken nuggets and juice.
sodomy is not a Christian value.
>Why is swallowing important for men?
It isn't. Don't take everything you read here seriously. Finally stop giivng serious replies to a BS thread. He did not adopt anyone.
its important for women. Cuz we asked, not everything is a "i have a pussy, let's do things a different way..." situation just because you have a vagina young man
Oh right, if you say so.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
But what does a single swallow represent for men? What kind of things are happening your head if that happens instead of spit?
It's a bullsht post. HE DID NOT ADOPT ANYONE. A few nights ago he made the same thread claiming the adoptee was 9 years old. Again, THIS IS NOT A SERIOUS THREAD. STOP GIVING SERIOUS REPLIES. Thank you.
OK now you took Pretendalooza too far. The porta potties need to be changed out and the fappercoaster line is literally 10 years long. Clean restrooms, happy people
Number one:
Are you insulting my roleplay? I can get you banned real fast, buddy. You better watch yourself.
I told you I do not believe in sodomy. Nothing is going through my mind.
>tell that to innumerable choir boys
She had a birthday. It happens once a year.
You're boring and embarrassing. Further replies won't be read.
Most males want to believe they're so superchad that women will happily ingest the second or third most disgusting thing their body produces.
Or they're hoping for someone who gets off on eating their jizz
nah i was just mashin' your taters. You're not in a first world country so she wouldn't have access to a rifle
itt: disgusting obese ugly losers LARPing about what they'd do to a 19 year old girl
don't try to jam it in all at once. take it slow and just give her the tip.
maybe he got a second one cuz he was so good to the first one. Girls gossip you know
Seeing a girl swallow is hot for a man because he sees her take his seed inside her. Part of him is going into her. Some guys might consider spitting it out as insulting in some way, like you don't want his seed.
Why is ingesting something disgusting a happy moment for men? Is it about degrading the woman?
One less mess to clean up
Why is it important for men the seed stays inside the woman? What kind of effects does that have on the man?
Sodomy goes through your ass so of course its not on your mind
>boring and embarassing
Being the best man I can is neither. You can not claim to be a proper Christian and advocate for sodomy.
most chicks will take a mouthful for the team.
Oral is sodomy too.
I'm skinny and hot.
Lol 19? Sounds boring, young neckbeards harassing some roastie boomer bitch lol
Fuck off paedophile. Kys
At 10 shes already a ways along.
But, consistency is mostly it. Make rules, stick to them, shower with praise and rewards for good behaviour, like compassion selflessness, doing homework etc, and immediate, tangible consequences for transgressions. Always.
But try not to blindside. If she doesnt know shes doing something wrong ans she gets shit a lot thats how you get major anxiety disorders.
..its also fine and not a terrible life skill to get away with shit now and then.