how can you compete with guys who can make a girl laugh?
How can you compete with guys who can make a girl laugh?
Money, poorfag. Money.
You don't, you find a girl who will laugh at your jokes...or money
Money? LOL. Doesn't even compare to my brand new leopard skin pillbox hat
what if you don't have any jokes or money
workout, read a book or two so you have interesting things to talk about (but don't act like a know it all)
The point I was making is if she's not laughing at your jokes the two of you are probably not as compatible as you think.
Don't be a boring cunt.
Also 10 inch dick
what if im naturally a boring cunt with no jokes or money
>how can you compete with guys who can make a girl laugh?
I am rich.
Most girls have sense of humor barely more complex than monkey, it's not that hard.
Literally this, more than just laughter. See, a woman at her core is an animal, just like men, but they operate on a different level. Women want security from a man, but since we’re not hunting for our own food or staving off packs of wolves anymore, they have interpreted security in a different way: financial security. As well as many other things (responsibility, smarts, good health, etc) these are all signs that signal to a woman “I am a prime candidate for assisting you in producing children as well as providing you and our offspring with a comfortable and safe life”. It’s really that simple. Think security and strive to become it.
This, you can have the biggest dick and best personality money is still going to beat you.
Also, any woman who says that they don’t want this is either lying to themselves or is a genuinely broken woman, and therefore, both should be seen as undesirable. Regardless of if you want to have a relationship with this woman or not, if you avoid these warnings, you’re going to hook up with a woman who will potentially make trouble for you in the long run. Not worth the spilled cum.
this guy gets it. one of my friends in Ohio suddenly went to Lithuania after getting his master's degree and a sweet job. He was only there for 2 weeks and he brought home the prettiest blonde in the country. All he had to do was let it be known there was educated, employed American in town who happened to have a large family farm inheritance waiting for him.
>inb4 she left him after getting the green card
they're still together 12 years later and their kids are like 7 and 9. She still looks amazing.
this is the secret all incels keep from themselves
Sounds like you go after lazy ass bitches with no goals.
Boring opinion.
Unlike what the traps think, you can’t escape biology. We are living things and this is how we operate. As long as we’re living reproducing organisms this truth will never change.
Simp detected
>you think is the norm
Yikes bud.
And you sound like you didn’t read what I said at all. Refer to
Exactly, the truth is so simple that faggots go out of their way to deny it.
Retard confirmed.
oh I did and I comprehend at a high level, you don't like what I said, it's OK. Your opinion is boring as fuck.
Beta faggot acknowledged
>pic related
It's you in the wild.
Still better than being you
t. faggots
I empathize with the incel. For years I mace have considered myself one, until I realized all they do is make excuses for themselves and blame “society” for their sorry lot in their love life. If they took less time clacking away on their keyboards in their echo chambers and spending more time realizing this truth and taking advantage of it, they’d be on the road to freedom from the chains they put themselves into.
The adults are talking. If you don’t want to contribute in a meaningful way, I’m sure there’s an “Andy’s loggs” thread on here you’d have much more fun in. You can go now.
Did I fucking say that was the norm?
you need to bring something to the table.
1- Money. or
2- being funny.
3- good looks.
if you have none of those, big Oof.
1- Money or
2 - Money or
3 - Money
As always, the faggot asks a question and rejects the answer. What you said is possible, even on a smaller scale (ie you don’t need to move out of your country to find a woman like that). He’s just a dipshit
bullshit. if you are a Chad, you get a shitload of actions... just don't stick for long or they get pretty naggy.
They can't help it, most of them are literally retarded/autistic
And just like the point I made with unstable women, you’ll want to avoid them. That’s why they themselves get avoided by women - they can smell the instability and are put off by it.