Them fucking chinks need to pay for what they caused
Them fucking chinks need to pay for what they caused
only after the burgerfats pay for what they caused
Goddamn chinks trying to say america caused this shitstorm despite Corona Chan starting in chinkland
fat cunt
what is every financial meltdown this and last century, you fat cunts are a plague
Chinks own america anyway.
How about you whities pay first for hundreds of years of tyranny, abuse and enslavement
Pay reperations to africa, return our american lands and give your women to show your sincerity
Repent you colonial mongoloid
>bat flu
>swine flu
>bird flu
>meat eaters
we can't hear you. your colored babble is incoherent.
Build the wall, make China pay.
All from dink land
die already you weak cunt
You should be able to understand since you americans are all halfbreeds
Dont pretend to be white lol
Stop watching fucking anime then cunts
Why? Isn't the flu weeding out the fucking weak? And I thought that was a good thing?
Don't buy anything "Made in China" or has components made there. They'll soon revolt against their communist oppressors.
"American" companies like Apple and Nike will suddenly find they are able to manufacture their products elsewhere for the same price.
No how about the Mongols return what's rightfully the Hungarians and the other 11 million square miles they conquered. Lol, every race has been fucked over by some other race or even their own. Whites are just coming out victorious, because they don't play the victim. Cry me a river Chief Diamond Phillips
Isn't the virus fucking over China more and they're just covering it up? Why bother if they're gonna be fucked over anyways? Seems like a waste of time user.
Chinese don't give a fuck user, they could lose a hundred mil and zero fucks would be given that day
Fucking degenerate bat eaters
Not Caterpillar. They won’t leave China.
>They don't play the victim
Wah, le jews are causing muh white genocide. Wah they're discriminating against whites. Seems like Jews look more superior to you guys. Weakass faggots
Ok Steinburg.
Yh they don't give a shit because it's weeding out their old and their weak.
You know those mushrooms on the virus? Those are only found on HIV pb protiens. Carona virus cannot leap from animal to human without a method to infect healtht cells. Zhe, a viralogist work for the dinks CCP was directly related to discovering all these, and worked on advancements to the carona virus, a program that Obama had halted duroing his time in office. Not only that, but she published many, many peer reviewed research papers which drew severe ridicule by the collective science communties due to the implocation of biological warfare and its inevitable massive spread.
So not only is the Carona virus unable to make the leap to humans naturally, it now posseses a protien injection method only found in HIV. Meaning there is no physical method for it to spread from animals before this outbreak without human intervention.. China, at the moment of civil unrest and economic collapse, suddenly turns everything around as the world grinds to a halt. CCP is commie fucking pinko scum whos entire faction deserves a bullet to the head. Fuck those yellow cunts, time to exterminate all native main land Chinks
The Jews really are superior to us faggot white people. Thanks for opening my gay fucking eyes. I wish you no more sand in your vagina for the rest of your natural born life! And it was so.
I know how to make them pay, give their country to Japan and Japanify the whole state. Make the han chinese fucking third class citizens, while the Uygurs would be raised above the normal chinaman. Then the Japanese would be the superior race there. Call it West Japan.
Do you actually believe the garbage you spew?
Thanks and no problem user, I like opening people's life and see what the world is really like.