I am 18 years old and I have a micro penis... I'm not sure what to do

I am 18 years old and I have a micro penis... I'm not sure what to do.

When I am fully erect, my penis is only 1.5" long and has a girth of 3"... the picture is a comparison of my size to an average penis.
It just never grew from elementary school and I didn't bother to get it checked out.

I've been depressed and I've gotten into cuckold porn a lot lately... right now I'm actually convinced it's the only way I can have a wife.

Attached: comparison.jpg (1130x604, 66.84K)

Pic with timestamp of tiny peen.

If you're white you dont need to worry. That's normal.


Attached: go_fuck_yourself.webm (426x236, 343.8K)

You'll be a good trap user

It’s okay to be a cuckold, if that’s what you want. But it’s not needed. Eat pussy real gud and be a fucking man.

Contrary to popular belief, dick size does not determine masculine potential

kill yourself

That's pretty average size for a white guy. I should know, I am one! We make up for it by allowing our wives to have bulls and to degrade us. Also we own literally everything, so that takes the sting out of it.

Don't get into cuckold porn. You don't actually think it's hot, nobody does. It's a survival mechanism where your brain makes you think you like something that you hate/fear because you see it as inevitable.

Speak for yourself, cuck in denial.

correction: you are a kike

Correction, I am a Kike™. Learn your place goyim.

become gay, theres no way you're pleasing a girl with a shimpy. who knows, you might like getting fucked by a bigger cock after having your girl stolen by the same guy

Post picture of weenie

An hero

Please post your dick with timestamp. It’s not like someone outside of maybe your doctor could identify you by it.

No it’s not I’m white and 8.5+

There’s plenty of black dudes who are 4-6 inches.

Cucks are just self hating fags in denial . Women don’t like that shit either. Stop kidding yourself Op

your not meant to fuck
your meant to get fucked
now let's see that boipussy

Ive been always insecure about my cockc because of porn, turns out im 6x7 so a chode but fat as fuck lol

How about you Show your ass bitch kneel down and show your ass on feet position


Dont worry OP my penis is a 2 inch micro penis when flaccid but becomes exactly 6 inches when erect. Its like the saying goes we are growers not showers!! Also had 3 ex girlfriends that didnt care about micro penis because 6 inches when erect was more than enough to pleasure and was really good with oral as well. Also consider losing weight and masturbation exercises to last longer and increase girth and length and ability to stay erect longer really helps!!!

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Become a trap user, you'll feel better about yourself

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post that cute bad boy user

>only way I can have a wife
Lots of guys never marry and kill themselves early in life.

Get into bbc cuck porn bro you will never look back! Your woman will be sexually satisfied and you will have the benefit of pleasuring yourself - only you know your penis how to make it feel great!

prove it

Here you go

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thats not a micro penis ya doink, thats just a small flaccid penis, google micropenis

Asian guy here. 4.5 inch penis. i know if I lose weight I'll gain an inch. that's my motivation

Damn that’s a nice fat ass. Can’t see those soles though

When you’re fat at a young age, your penis will get sucked up and never grow

It's hard to reach around my fat ass i tried but should I try again

Do it now. Show those soles. Looks like you got some cute feet

I tried but there's just too much ass in the way

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