Computer nostalgia thread

Computer nostalgia thread

Attached: It-is-now-safe-to-turn-off-your-computer.jpg (1200x1200, 54.25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: b1.jpg (800x533, 43.25K)

Attached: icq-square.png (400x400, 13.91K)

Attached: frostwire-fw3.jpg (1020x717, 161.4K)

Attached: aol.jpg (300x304, 33K)

Attached: dad-n-me.jpg (600x315, 37.05K)

ahh, the ole free coasters

Attached: dangerous-dave.png (640x400, 3.92K)

Attached: images.jpg (284x178, 11.67K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (976x720, 102.89K)

Attached: servers.jpg (2560x1706, 1.4M)

Attached: aim_makeitring.jpg (584x608, 166.61K)

i miss punting and destroying accounts

Attached: 1200px-Xanga.svg.png (1200x672, 29.89K)

Attached: netbus trojan.png (472x293, 23.94K)

Attached: s-l400.jpg (400x370, 24.46K)

this was my go to.

Attached: davids_midnight_magic_gaia_141370.gif (384x288, 7.04K)

Attached: netscape-3.jpg (622x467, 67.04K)

I don't follow. Please elaborate.

Attached: u9brie6ikp0z.jpg (800x576, 98.17K)

AOL had many programs that could be used to kick users out of chat rooms, destroy their e-mail, messagers, etc. Some of them could effectively destroy an entire AOL account since back then most people had no idea what was going on. It was literally the wild west on internet at 56k if lucky.

I remember thinking these looked so futuristic back in the day

Ah, okay. Sounds like loads of fun. I never used AOL or AIM. Only MSN/windows messenger.

Attached: 01_Desktop_Landscape.png (800x549, 102.92K)

That's like... FOREVER!!

I got punted out of a room of white supremacists back in the day. That prevented me from trying to troll too hard cause I learned there were people that could fuck me in ways I couldn't prevent.

Looking for a 2D game. Both players start in one corner and have to dig/blast the dirt away to the other one to kill each other. Does someone know this game?

i have a twinge of nostalgia when i find 128 kpbs mp3s lurking on my old hard drives

god i spent so much time coming up with the perfect away message

going to an internet cafe to get skins for Sims 1