I have Aspergers AMA

I have Aspergers AMA

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how long since your last ejaculation?

come over

isn’t it being renamed autism light or something
how do you live everyday being held up tot he same standard as autists

>I have Aspergers
what's that?

Some people think im special ed when they find out its a form of autism. Some people dont think its real.
A disorder that affects my emotions, socialization, behavior, and senses. Basically a bunch of shit.

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Me too, kiddo. What makes you so special?

So now you can act like a fucking fool and have a get-outta-jail-free-card? Nice

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do realize that your parents probably over pampered, over medicated, and basically fucked you up in your childhood years?

I dont have plans to go to jail, i would hate the food and the cell

have you done any drugs, been prescribed ADHD drugs? i have aspergers too

My dad was pretty rough on me growing up, i didnt know i had Aspergers till I was forced by my family to go to therapy after i fell ill with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (which fucked me up mentally and physically).

Is it not just part of the autism spectrum? All cases are uniquely different, aspergers is simply an umbrella term used to classify someone who displays certain characteristics or exhibits a level inability to communicate with neurotypicals

I take Zoloft for anger issues and weed for sleep.

>My dad was pretty rough on me growing up

I think Aspergers should be a separate diagnosis

thats sad, THC will downregulate your cannabinoid receptors while sertraline will downregulate your serotonin receptors. is it difficult to ejaculate on zoloft and do you feel like you are in tune with your surroundings while on the drugs or does it make fun tasks that you used to do seem boring?


They are separate diagnosis.... Doesn't mean you can't use the spectrum to depict a level of severity. I've been a handler, seen many clients on the spectrum... I firmly believe the autism spectrum is akin to the pH scale, getting exponentially more severe as you progress on the scale, and it even encompass neurotypicals, just they don't have signs or symptoms of said disorder.

Ever think you've worked with someone that didn't actually have Asperger's, but their diagnosis constantly tarnished your evaluation of everything they did?

kill yourself

When did you realize you were gay?

oof. this is catastrophically bad for people with mental health issues. big huge bad mistake bud. stop doing it.

No, honestly, I work with those that need help day to day, non verbal, highly aggressive individuals. Do I think that saying you have a disability is followed with a stigma, hell yes!

I'm in the same boat...... You;re professionally diagnosed though,right? None of the "Self" diagnosed bullshit?

My best way to describe it would be, autism makes you a social outcast... Unable to socialize with anything really... You do you and other people are NPC's. Aspergers you are able to see you're different but powerless to change anything.

The spectrum is just a level of how focus on yourself you are... How stuck in your head you are... One of my clients played some ball blaster video game in his head all day "blue, yellow, red, red, oh NOOOO!! Extra life!" like his worries for others was not there...

Aspergers, generally you're aware of your differences, you may even want to change to fit in, but your ability to slip int a conversation with someone and not be" the weird one" is next to impossible

He was very cold, demanding I always be the best, and he pretty much ignored me and my mom. My mom is constantly depressed and emotional. But she does cook me anything I want and its always fucking delicious. So theres that I guess.
Im kind of a coomer so I dont even get fully hard anymore. I have such a high sex drive I get very pissed if I go long without cumming. Lately I have been trying to change that. Even on Zoloft though I only lost my drive for a week until it came back.
I think many people who claim to have autism dont actually have it. Because its always the trannies and SJWs that claim it now, I also think its something introverts tell people they have just to seem quirky.
Life is a blessing, even when its bad
I am bi, but only for twinks.
Yes I was actually diagnosed by a Vanderbilt University Psychologist

Neat. I ask because I'm pretty sure a psych tried to give me a misdiagnosis.

>He was very cold, demanding I always be the best, and he pretty much ignored me and my mom. My mom is constantly depressed and emotional. But she does cook me anything I want and its always fucking delicious. So theres that I guess.
father's are supposed to be this way, to an extent. they provide the initial adversity in life to their sons that they wont experience until they play sports later on. hes not supposed to be your friend, hes supposed to be your father. now, if he didnt pick you back up when you were down or help your mother then he was an asshole. also it seems like your mom only gave you rewards and when you get rewarded for doing nothing then you learn nothing. love needs to be given freely. rewards need to be earned

I have plenty of friends and acquaintances. I am actually an extrovert but I sometimes constantly ramble about my obsessions to the point where sometimes people cant get a word in. I got social skills from a YouTube channel called Real Social Dynamics. Lately Ive became aware of my excessive talking and I sometimes catch myself and try to share conversation. I do get stuck in my head, constantly thinking about philosophy, stocks and trick questions, doing trivia all day in my head.

>I also think its something introverts tell people they have just to seem quirky.

I think that the spectrum is able to explain how introverts are the main focus of what autism is. You don't see an extroverted autist... They can not care about what others say, but they aren't the life of the party.... Being introverted to me, means you're on one side of this spectrum, how far to one extreme on this spectrum determines your severity of your condition