Being mean to twitter sex workers is a blast
Being mean to twitter sex workers is a blast
>I respect myself
Your repsonse should be:
>Haha, why?
Definitely entertaining. Please, continue OP..
That’s all I got
Wow you sure showed her.
Please, show me up
Holy shit you’re hardcore.
Tell her to name her price.
You need to push it further. You should be shaming them, but you're just coming off as a coomer looking to pay whores for attention.
This. Ask her what her dignity is worth.
op i sort of see what angle youre going with but if she doesnt sell her body physically she isnt a whore
“How about on your ass and we’ll use your hole as the O?”
This made me a little sad
No ones claiming they’re whores, OP is asking her to write that on her face, stop trying to whiteknight
Her picture looks like Skylar Vox, and that made me a little sad too, $5?!
Don't even Shame her. DEFAME her.
Tag her and tell everyone on twitter that she murdered her baby at 3 weeks old because it pooped its diaper and interrupted her meth smoking binge. And that she was the one who sent death threats to a synagogue.
These whores need to be put in their place and investigated for ruining civilization.
You should have paid her OP. Poor whore.
>but if she doesnt sell her body physically she isnt a whore
Incorrect. Any woman who leverages their sexuality for money is a whore.
Fucking hell I'd do it for five bucks
Rolling for this.
The troll has revealed himself to be an even lower form of life than the thot who is actually trying to make a living.
In a bout of horniness and poor judgement I dropped 130 bucks to get a few custom videos from the smokin' hot older sister of a chick I knew in school. She must have DDD cups, pretty glorious, and I was dying to see 'em get squeezed around. Sent the money and waited a few days, lo and behold the chick keeps her face out of frame in every pic and vid. I was pissed, but she left exif on the pics so I know where her apartment is lmao
That’s the plan, I’m going slowly to see what I can get away with first
why you havent thought of this already is beyond me.
They all have a price. Clearly.
that is technically correct
incorrect. at least in my opinion. id make a distinction between someone who sells nudes online vs someone who has sex with johns for money regularly. wouldnt you?
No. Digital is the new analog.
Damn not gonna lie I like her attitude. As an employer I appreciate go getters
You're not very good at this, and I'm starting to think this is less about shaming whores, and more about you getting off sexually to this, which makes you a huge loser and very pathetic.
$100 for a single photo would work for most people. Offer them $200
Is she a fucking robot? You literally described exactly what you want and she is asking you what you want?
Ask the next one how much for a picture with her taking a dump and eating the faces with delight.
that's the problem with the world today
>wouldnt you?
No, there is no difference. The only reason you don't agree is your personal coping strategy since you either participate in cam whoring, or consume content from cam whores. If you were not a hypocrite, you would understand that selling your sexuality i any capacity makes you a whore. Being a whore is a scale, and cam whores are still on it.
He doesn't have $5 lol
This. You should've agreed to it
Whoring is literally one of the oldest professions, but civilizations NOW, thousands of years later, are ruined because of them. Okay.
Retards. Paying them is supporting and enabling their behavior. If you criticize (online) sex workers you shouldn't use their services. Otherwise that's clearly a double standard and undermines your entire point.
>The only reason you don't agree is your personal coping strategy since you either participate in cam whoring, or consume content from cam whores
i dont actually. i only really get off to pov amateur porn. i dont get the cam stuff or why people pay for it, when there are tons of videos available for free, or just real women to fuck.
>you would understand that selling your sexuality i any capacity makes you a whore
this sounds like something a muslim would say and its w hy the cover their women in blankets. is a girl who goes to a bar dressed sexily a whore? by your definition she is selling her sexuality. what about you? have you ever done literally anything to increase your chances of getting laid?
Thank you for getting the point
I have more respect for this woman, she is comfortable enough with herself do get free money
You're a genuine retard.
Humans are more than a face. Pictures can be taken in varieties of angles. Various poses can be made. If all he wants is a close up of the face then he can say so and that makes it easy as most other factors can be disregarded. She's just trying to make sure she knows exactly what he wants so she can provide it.
Why the fuck are you so god damn stupid to not understand this? How many people does it take to dress you every morning?
so much this
>is a girl who goes to a bar dressed sexily a whore?
False equivalence. Cam whores trade their sexuality for cash, legal tender. That is textbook definition of a whore. A promiscuous woman at a bar is still a whore, but at least she isn't trading her sexuality for cash.
>what about you?
My sexual history has no bearing on my argument, but I've had multiple partners, and have been with my current gf for 5 years.
There it is, atta boy.