Boomer here. I'm sure I'm older than your parents so answer this for me please...

Boomer here. I'm sure I'm older than your parents so answer this for me please. Which do you find more cringe-worthy when I speak with you. -- a) Talking about how much bettter 80s and 90s music is, or b) Talking about how much I like current music and giving awkward examples.

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Probably when older people talk about how great anything was when they were young compared to what it's like now, because if you said the latter we could probably have a discussion about it.

Or the narrative that all young people are lazy and stupid, thus deserve nothing, and set about making that prophecy come true by sabotaging the younger generations of people around you. Gets really tiring. Gen X are going that way too.

The second one for sure because your first statement is fact.
>I’m 21

its the same every generation, ppl think they invented sex drugs and rock n roll

Always makes me laugh hearing that from people who grew up with affordable higher education, easily understood career paths and plenty of entry level jobs that weren't sourced to 3rd world niggerlands

Boomers kicked the can on down the road to the next generation, and we are just going to do the same thing. On and on until there is no future. That day will probably come sooner than we think.

All I'm saying is, it'd be nice if I could go into a job where some 45-65 year old didn't make it their life's mission to push me back out of that job. It's really, really exhausting.

Not mocking you, but you’ll get there and see it.
Even the millennials are questioning what’s wrong with the generation behind them.
Zoomers will get there too.

OP here. I'm actually 51 so I'm a Gen X Boomer. We kinda got shat on too by the older fuckers who shall remain nameless but yeah we have done our damage too.
I like talking with younger people about stuff but I realize I probably come across as a bit creepy no matter what.

I am 33. I will consider myself lucky if society doesn't collapse by the time i am your age.

I'm sure I said the same thing when I was younger to the people older than me, who I secretly suspected had fucked everything up good.
I feel really sorry for younger folk in a way, but every generation has their good and bad moments.

Trust me bud, I'm aiming not to survive this year.

I’m a couple years behind you. I don’t have a difficult time discussing music and culture with the younger generation. Its when you start trying to use the slang to fit in it get weird.
They def get more annoyed when you tell them any advice or say how much better it was growing up then, because even you know it sucked. Unless you talk about 80s synth music...they Know it fits their idea of what a boomer is, but they love that shit....

Like walk into work and just start using the word yeet in your 50s. You’ll come across like an episode of the office.

quit larpng faggot

As long as the ride there is enjoyable

If you can honestly take a look at the state of the world and think that this shit is just going to continue....You are delusional. Every system has been pushed to the max and beyond. We are in a mass extinction. Climate change is just getting started. Resources are already spread thin. Not to mention the corona virus which is not going away any time soon. Humanity has peaked. I don't just blame the older generations. The zoomers are some of the worst offenders. They have all the knowledge in the world at their fingertips but they are incapable of processing that information and actually applying it. Its actually really funny.

Ha. That would be be rad.

What the fuck does yeet even mean? as far as i can tell it has no meaning.

Def shown your age there

to carelessly toss aside with force

For the boomers/late X'ers, I'm in my mid 20s. I sure as shit hope I have the fortitude to kill myself this year. How will my parents cope? They have other children, and their first grand child. They should be ok.

Do you think I'm pretending to be a middle aged man? Maybe I'm actually a really hot bisexual chick. Who knows.

I agree that shit is going to hit the fan very soon. The way people live 50-75 years from now will barely be recognizable, I think.

It kinda doesn’’s more like a context than a word. It’s one of the few words I say unless I’m mocking myself in front younger people

Oh, in that case i have been yeeting since before it was a thing.

Yeah, its going to be really interesting. I hope I don't starve to death before getting to watch it all burn.

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Fun fact: Tommy Lee's cock is rad

"Bang"... 29,2 kids under 3, house on sky hills , hate random ass rap music. My father is my my best friend now and wish I would have just let him tell me what to do for the last 15 years.

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>how much bettter 80s and 90s music is
Anything before 1980 is utter newfag trash you lazy entitled millennial-kin.

I'm 37, I always feel like that. Like I can't even be on equal-footing in a conversation with them because they just see me as some old guy that should be off doing "old guy stuff" whatever that is.

I'm not a boomer by a long shot but its true the Gen z's are lazy, stupid and have zero work ethics. I never thought that way till I starting doing hiring for a company and seen it first hand myself. The complain endlessly about doing the work they were hired for and call in sick more than any other group in the company! They seem to get sick on Fridays and Saturdays. Every single one of them live at home with their parents.

thats got little to do with any generation, its to do with a TYPE of person. you will run into them every where, they create a niche for themselves & fortify it by the means you already know, hording information, backstabbing etc......the truth is their enemy

I do think the younger generation has a fuckload of stress on it as there’s so much stimuli already in the world and the group of people that grew up on land lines and and their idea of pen pals were releasing balloons with notes in the schoolyard, are equipped to guide them

Yes I remember USA Today had a colorful infographic about it back in the day

*are not equipped to guide them