Will you continue the family meme and visit your cousins/aunts/uncles etc or have you realized all your relatives are...

Will you continue the family meme and visit your cousins/aunts/uncles etc or have you realized all your relatives are fake ass old money white people that all hate each other?

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I’ll only hang with my siblings

Hate eachother? Sure toxic family members exist but they are not welcome at our gatherings. I love it. Its a lots if fun and we help eachother out emotionally, financially, building houses, raising kids.

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>when you relate to what OP is saying but you're embarrassed by it so you say "no u"

This always bothered me with white people. It’s all cloak and dagger drama tv bullshit. Fake laughter, trying to find dirt on each other, indirect insults all around. What’s the point of all that?

OP's parents are racemixers, he got brainwashed by kikes, and now he's mad half his family are white.

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both of my parents are adopted and white

Then why are you anti-white?

white people get triggered easier than other races

Stop being a wigger.

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white people need tougher skin

On that we agree.
Stop hating your own race though. It makes nonwhites and whites alike look down on you.

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I don't hate all white people I only hate white people who think they're special just because they're white

Nigger, my family was poor up until the last generation. Since that obviously offended your weak willed sensibilities, maybe you should go back to jerking off to those BBC threads you enjoy so much.

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No such people exist.
Maybe if you feel this way you should look into European and American history to get a better grasp on your heritage. It's a terrible look for anyone to hate their own race.

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>white people get triggered easier than other races

Say nigger in public and watch how fast every race besides the whites gets butthurt. 'Cept the asians. They don't care, because they're smart enough to realize it's not their problem.

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I'm not looking down on the white race I'm looking down on the mentality some whites have that whiteness is superior and they certainly do exist.

You say that but a white guy wouldn't have the balls to call a black man a nigger to his face which is the fact that deserves more attention than your point

>your weak willed sensibilities
>go back to jerking off to those BBC threads
How is saying that not proof of your own weak-willed sensibilities?

Dude, I'm a fucking Nazi and I don't even feel that way. Whites have stuff to be proud of like every race. If someone is puffed up over being white then that's pretty cringe but I doubt you've met a single person who feels that way. It's Jewish nonsense, a caricature of the racist redneck. You're calling your whole family boring self-important white people and I find that it indicates some internalized anti-whiteness.
It's unpleasant to use racial slurs to refer to people unless you're trying to start a fight. I wouldn't call someone a sandnigger or a chink or even a kike without provocation either, because it's rude.

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I've done it. Not hard when you're not a scrawny pussy. Aggressive retards don't want to fight someone bigger than them. It's common sense. Most blacks/hispanics aren't stupid, but they sure as hell are way more sensitive than white people.

>tu quoque
You are litrally a retard.

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I explicitly called them white in my post to emphasize that my family is out of touch with anyone who isnt white. Also I don't have anything against being light or whites in general like I said it's all about the mentality of superiority that I look down upon. Even if you don't feel superior I definitely have friends and family that feel that they are.

>I wouldn't call someone a sandnigger or a chink
>because its rude

Help me understand. If you care enough about their feelings to not be rude then why be okay with referring to them with such derogatory terms in private?

Checked and based.
Honestly same, the only times I've done it is when I've been in dangerous situations and need to emotionally hurt the other guy. Makes them lose their cool and act like idiots.

Self hating racists are the a worst though. Whether they be stupid like OP, ignorant like Uncle Rukus, or ill like Alonso Quijano, it's always bad form and just plain pathetic at its core.

>Self hating racists
OP here im a not uncle ruckus. i have nothing against non racist whites

I don't. I find that getting hyped up on race-hatred actually detracts from a clear understanding of racial dynanics. Like all these idiots shitting on China over the coronavirus, calling them bat-eating unhygienic riceniggers- well, China is still the world's second is first power. And the Sinic world is still the European world's only real equal. But they think calling them chinks is a revolutionary act: ridiculous.

As to your point about your family: I'd say they're probably just in tune with their whiteness. If you have an appreciation for other races that's fine, or if they're engaging in generational and class antagonism that's very gay, but if it's just as you describe what's the big deal?

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Intersting ...

If they have an opinion
and you have an opinion

then how can you tell fore sure that you are right and you are wrong?

And I've got black friends who believe they're the true master race, idiot. There are retards every color of the fucking rainbow. If you're going to hate your dumb, ignorant family for it, you might as well hate the kikes, niggers, faggots, trannies, and chinks too. 'Cause a portion of them think the same way, moron. God damn your posts reek of underage bussi. You sure you're 18 pal? Either you're too young to be here, or are too sheltered to have any real like experience outside of your discord sissy servers.

The deal I have is that my family uses it as an excuse to feel good about themselves despite the fact several of them are alcoholics and up those alcoholics two haven't even worked a job in a year. Yeah they go on about how lazy niggers are and it makes me wonder how many other racists are blind that they are no better than their perception of blacks.

Define a racist white.
Lmao, you even denote them ONLY by their skin color. They're people, faggot. Get that through your thick skull.

>And I've got black friends who believe they're the true master race
Big assumption that I don't look down on the either, because I do look down on them
The rest of your post is just autism

A white person who respects non-whites less or not at all just because they're not white

Well, why not encourage them to improve? Tell them they're not living up to their illustrious heritage. That's the perspective I take: If I want the best for my race, I have to be the best I can be for my race.

Nah, it was an insult. I'm assuming because you don't know how to write a cohesive narrative in a single post so you have to add tid bits here and there like it's a fucking rpg game. Mentally mature adults speak in full ideas, not broken sentences and excerpts. You've sidetracked so hard from the start that I honestly doubt you're old enough to be here, and that your family is as racist as you portray them. Also, most real "non-racists" would never say nigger with its hard r.

So, from your working definition of the term racist, Uncle Rukus isn't racist? Or are there different standards for different skin colors?

I called them out on their shit everytime I see them because that's the kind of person I am but they can't separate their identity from their race and they think their race is superior so therefore they are superior. Thats literally how it goes in their heads.

There's no chance of changing your mind when you take this so personally but you feel the need to attack me.

I knew you only wanted a working definition to pick it apart because you're not here for dialogue

Literally who?

I mean right off the top of my head I could already name David Duke

Did you call them out as racist or did you play it the way I suggested? Of course someone that values their race is going to tune you out if you start complaining about their racism.
Have you ever listened to David Duke? He's racist, sure, but he's not an unreasonable guy.

That's not what you were saying before. If that's really what you feel, specifying that would help clarify your opinion.

On a side note, I agree with you that white people who think they're special because they're white should be looked down on - except I think the same about all races who feel that way about themselves. Culture is important, sure, but your skin colour? It doesn't mean anything. A person's character should be their defining characteristic.