Why did conservatives ruin the post office?

Why did conservatives ruin the post office?

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Because they don’t want people to vote via mail. With the whole COVID shit happening, people want to vote by mail. Meaning more likely there will be a higher voter turnout rate in the physical polls are closed but more people are voting via mail. Conservatives and the GOP know that the majority of the people what trump out, so they’re trying to suppress the voters by defunding the USPS. No USPS, then no one can mail in their votes.

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because conservatives hate public goods

because businesses which aren't first and foremost concerned with profit are seen as a betrayal of capitalism

I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub. - Grover Nyquist

Because fuck something that does good without profit. Let the Corporations do anything they want. Remember Teflon?

thats because humans are inherently greedy. it makes more sense to exploit this greed for the overall benefit of society than to try to force people to be generous.
this is the difference between republicans and democrats and it is also why liberally led countries are always seen as weak.

capitalist propaganda to justify fucking people over

Also, privatization. GOP wants everything in private hands. Any and every opportunity to grab every penny you earn. They're Ferengi.

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its simply human nature user. look at literally all of recorded history across the globe. in a world with finite resources someone has to get "fucked over" its basic math. the ones who dont will get taken advantage of every time

The post office has been losing money for decades. They cry poor every few years, they get money, they keep going. But this is suddenly a Trump problem. Ok.


>Grover Nyquist
Masterful job of shrinking government he's done. Can he fit the massive deficit he helped create in his bathtub too?

i do know history. that's why i recognized your rhetoric.

there is only one sandwich. you are hungry. your wife is hungry. you son is hungry.
the man, his wife, and his son are also hungry.
who gets the sandwich?

Lol why. Drain the government dry, leave them with the bill hahaha. Greed is good, right?

>there is another family

Republicans only care about one thing and that's keeping their pockets nice and full and pleasing their billionaire friends. How has the poor rural conservative population been doing ever since conservatives took over the government?

yeah... it's because a 200 + old system was destroyed by voting by mail.... uh huh. ... thank's cunt...

Mine first sorry.

This is actually not true. Republicans forced the post office to start putting away and extra 10 billion a year into a bank account to prefund pensions.

The post office was running in the green until they passed the law around 2007. So they increased their expenses by 10 billion per year for no reason and did not provide a way for the postt office to raise additional revenue. That's why the post office "loses" big money each year (on paper)

And the reason it's an issue for Trump is that if you haven't noticed the economy is in the shitter and it's bailouts galore and Trump is the person ultimately responsible for the efficient functioning of the USPS

Republicans have a long time strategy of underfunding or intentionally sabotaging organizations they want to privatize

I can't even remember the last time I got a physical letter that wasn't spam. Who even uses snail mail for anything anymore? I use FedEx and the like for packages and electronic means for everything else.

the military has lost even more money and yet we keep funding it and suck its dick

why should the post office turn a profit? it's a public good

it's fucking insane you retards think the post office should be profitable

Libs play checkers

Republicans play chess

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>muh deficit
who the fuck is going to come collect on that? nobody. ever. since i know you wont answer that question i answered it for you. it doesnt fucking matter when you have the biggest stick in the world by a LARGE margin
guess what? youre a capitalist

Bullshit, reddit-spacer. They're relied on emergency appropriation bills for decades. You have to go back.

the reddit-spacer equates not losing money to making a profit. You have to go back.

Not sure what that's supposed to mean. If you are American thats debt on your shoulders.

It's sarcasm

oh god its retarded. it doesnt even realize that the military doesnt generate a literal profit in dollars but it projects our influence globally which allows our country to become richer. which is why we are the richest and most powerful. oh god, its retarded

The have been losing money since 2007, when congress passed a bill that forces them to pay pensions for their employees for the next 90 years. Pensions for people who don’t don’t even exist yet. 2006 and before the USPS was making hundreds of millions a year in profits. But because trump said the post office was bad, now people like you who didn’t know anything about it before hate it too. I love in a rural area and if it wasn’t for the post office, it would cost me $15-20 to send a letter to someone through fedex. USPS does it for 50¢. If I ever need to send a package out it’s a similar story

why the fuck would you send a letter to anyone in this day and age? the post office is dying. let it go. stop trying to prop it up for literally no reason

40% of Americans are an Emergency bill away from bankruptcy... One of the richest, sure, on average, definitely not by mean

Check out the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act that was signed into law by Bush in 2006.
The legislation has screwed up the finances of the USPS by requiring them to fund pension obligations
all the way to 2056. This, along with other arcane mandates, greatly hampers their ability to turn a profit.

If USPS is privatized, mail costs to rural F'n Americants will at least triple.

And you can CLOSE DOWN all those ONE HORSE post offices that are used as social gatherings for those living out in the middle of nowhere.

You're a fucking idiot. The post office began having losses in the 1990s when the internet became a thing. In fact, the USPS tried getting a tax on emails to offset their lost revenue. I guess you missed that little detail. Gramma and Aunt Tilly could just email each other instead of spending a quarter on a stamp. Oh wait, what's this? Go paperless and pay online? There's another loss since the 90s.

But please- go ahead and scream ORANGE MAN BAD.

It doesn’t need to be ‘propped up’, repubicucks just need to stop being such fucking apes and not make it pay pensions for people that don’t even exist

>requiring them to fund pension obligations
Wow, so making them accountable for their financial obligations makes them less profitable?? What kind of voodoo economics is this???

remember when filing taxes was free if you wanted it to be? that's becoming more and more impossible with each passing year because tax filing corporations pay off congresspeople to pass laws making it impossible

Alex, "What are forms 1040-A and 1040-EZ?"

Apparently the same economy that cries when they use all their cash for buy backs, pound their first for welfare, then whine about paying their taxes....

Holy shit. Are American companies niggers???

this is so easy to pick apart jesus. youre a fucking kid who just started college im guessing? you know nothing but youll learn eventually with experience
>40% of Americans are an Emergency bill away from bankruptcy
ok? how often do americans go to the emergency room? this entire argument relies on a minute chance of something terrible happening. even if it did, id ask this question; are those 40% of americans better off than the entire rest of the world if the same thing happened to them? in america you can walk into an emergency room and have your life saved no questions asked. you might have a big ass bill at the end but... you wont be dead
>definitely not by mean
so dumb. is the average american life better or worse than the average life of everyone else on the planet?

reddit called. You have to go back.

people send other shit thru the mail ya fuck

Itt: y'all are dum. But I won't tell you why. I just enjoy being cucked by big business

yes, and UPS/Fedex/Amazon do it better than the post office does. what is your point? if you have one, make it