What is the worst thing about Yas Forums

What is the worst thing about Yas Forums

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The 24/7 propaganda/brainwashing threads, there’s like 1:100 good threads to shit threads

Newfags, so you

Shit threads
B8 of any kind
OP’s are hay
Every looks to dunk on each other instead of helping or being decent
Self righteous asshats
Republican fags
Democrat fags
It’s a looooong list brōther


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Scat threads without diarrhoea
Everything else is fine

OP is a faggot and worst thing about 4chin




the eternal summer we’ve settled into



There arent upvotes


Fuck off faggot

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The kike-funded nigger-dick anti-white-boi threads. That, and the stinky poop eat posters. Both need to die. Horribly.

Thank you

>moderators dont do anything
>massive influx of newfags, casualfags and normies since The Fappening, Gamergate, Chanology Report, 2016 US Election
>some boards that no-one uses should just be axed
>desperately needs a few new boards to contain shit and clear up the others (needs a mobile gaming board, a social media porn board etc)
>site is infested with bots, especially Yas Forums
>site is infested with other websites farming Yas Forums for content to post on their sites
>site is infested with redditors and youtubers trying to collect "epic wins" and greentext for their channels
>site is infested with subtle advertising (Yas Forums, /ck/ are bad for this)
>site is infested with dataminers
>politics isnt banished strictly to Yas Forums, leads to constant propaganda posting on other boards
>the few people who made OC on Yas Forums have long since been chased off of the site due to the above

The shitposting kikes and newfags like this that dont belong here

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The lefties and activists creeping in trying to turn it into tumblr. They lost the war so they try to drip their filth into our good clean autism

idk why you post this only a dumbass would do that shit

Retards like you

Niggers and Kikes

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you could say the same thing for the Yas Forumstards


Eat a chode, we’re not getting b8’d into a swat raid


There's more incels on here than on incel forums.

Thank you for noticing