My neighbor in the apartment across the courtyard has a parrot that screeches all day and night long at an amazing...

My neighbor in the apartment across the courtyard has a parrot that screeches all day and night long at an amazing volume. I sent him a kind but stern letter asking him to please take steps to mitigate the noise, like keep his windows closed and keep the cage covered when he's not home. His response was to keep his windows open even more often and generally not give a fuck.

I'm in the process of contacting animal control, but the lockdown is making that very slow.

MY QUESTION - how can I legally fuck with this guy and retaliate? Please give me some serious good ideas, because I'm enraged.

Attached: fuckthisthing.jpg (467x326, 47.18K)

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Leave open paint cans out sometimes paint fumes can kill the birds

Why don't you just stop being a bitch?

Fight him like a man.

Call the cops. Sounds stupid but they are allowed to enforce your neighbor to move his parrots or keep his windows closed since they are disturbing your peace.

Kill the guy, not the bird. He's probably screeching because he's stuck living with this cunt.

Make friends with the parrot, pussy.

Trips of truth. Really depends on your state laws/city ordinances tho, but generally speaking yes you may do this. Generally what is gonna happen is they’ll come to his door, ask him to shut his parrots up, and he’ll either cooperate or go right back to it when they leave, which at that point call them back and they can place him under arrest

he has a small apartment, and I can literally hear the bird from a block away when I'm outside. there is no option to reposition the bird.

I actually did call the police before (not 911), and they told me to call animal control because they can't be bothered with that.

Teach it racist profanity.

Well if you don’t want to bring cops into the matter, go to the apartment managers/landlord over there and tell them about it. If you don’t even live there and you’re annoyed, chances are he has neighbors that are closer that are just as annoyed by it

I did contact the manager, and he said call the cops. I then called the cops, and they said call animal control. Animal control told me they likely can't help until the lockdown is over.

Who keeps birds as a pet? They are annoying and don’t do anything other than maybe crawl on your shoulder.

When I was younger I hated going over to my friend’s house cause he had some parakeets that would never shut the fuck up, it would drive me insane. I stopped sleeping over after the second time because they just squawk all night.

Well shit, sounds like your SOL for the time being, since there really is no other way to legally handle it. How annoying is it? If you shut the windows would you still hear it?

Animal control? What are they going to do, just show up and take the bird? It's the cops' fucking job to deal with noise complaints.

I saw a vid of a cockatoo licking the pre off a guys dick

wow how is this so fucking hard, you faggots?
get a good scope and a pellet gun
problem solved

I don't get why parrots are kept as pets. They're too intelligent to be kept in cages.

i was out for a jog today and could literally hear the fucker from about 10 properties down the street. it's the most piercing, annoying sound you can imagine.

firstly that's not a legal solution. secondly, he has a window and screen behind it (i've checked)

you're stupid dude
first oft, no ones gona give a fuck if you pop some stupid birds cranium, at most you'll get a fine
second, the guy is a faggot and fuckin dissed you after you asked him to shut his fucking bird up
now the bird won't shut up and the guy is laughing at you. id pop that bird the moment i had a clean shot

hide an old phone with a clip saying "gas the kikes", "race war now", etc to teach it some new words for payback.

get on the guys wifi and search tons of illegal shit and also bird porn
call in an anonymous tip

no one would give a fuck that i shot a weapon into his living quarters and killed an animal?

slap on the wrists at worst

befriend him under the guise if bird interest....kill both

Stink bombs

Buy some stink bombs on Amazon and chuck them into his fucking window if he keeps it open.

Do it every night until he closes his fucking window.

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not legal

this is interesting, maybe worth a try

Legality be damned.

How about you buy a super powerful laser and shine it into his window and blind that fucking bird.

truthfully i don't want to hurt the bird, because it is the bird's nature to be annoying and loud. i just want to annoy the guy in some way. it could be completely unrelated to the bird.

Nice Appeal to nature fallacy faglord.
until you kill that bird or throw a frozen turd through his window that's your new name.

How about you stalk the fucker and find out what car is is, and on identifying it you put duct tape all over it. spelling out "shut the fucking bird up"?

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