What are /b favorite movies? I’ll go first w apoc now

What are /b favorite movies? I’ll go first w apoc now

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first blood

Nailed it

Dallas Buyers Club

I'd fuck rayon so hard


Land Of The Blind
Ordinary People
The Falcon And The Snowman
Barton Fink
A Scanner Darkly
The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari
Get Crazy

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Falling Down

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It's a Wonderful Life
Hacksaw Ridge

my man, at last someone posted a awesome and rare movie

rare? the fuck are you on about.

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I really like this movie. It has enough of that dreamlike quality and eerie surreal feel to it, and I've recently read the book, it really does it for me.

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still not entirely sure what I thought of it, but I need to watch it again

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the burbs

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I've watched it several times, and just recently read the book. I like noir film, and i enjoy surrealist takes on the concept, and for me this is just the perfect amalgamation of both.
>that being said, it might not be up to everyone's taste, and i would like to hear other people's opinion on the subject

Did you come from the parallel universe, or from /fa?


Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this burger?
Anyone, anyone at all?

He got tired of being a wagecuck and everybody's being rude to him


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neither that I'm aware of, don't think I've ever been on /fa

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Then it's just a coincidence

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