How are republicans going to cope in november when nobody votes for trump thanks to his response to coronavirus

how are republicans going to cope in november when nobody votes for trump thanks to his response to coronavirus

you can only tolerate so much crying about the media.especially when countrys your president has called a shit hole are already recovering from coronavirus while america continues to have dozens and dozens of cases and deaths from it every day

if "republicans"pledged their allegience to the republican party instead of donald trump.things would of already improved.but nah,they'd rather think thumping their bibles will cure coronavirus.well guess what kids,it isnt working

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I am not a republican and didn't vote for him in 2016, but definitely am i n 2020 now that Bernie has cucked out again.

Not doing an AWB, Trump's response to SARS2 has been pretty on point for a leader in spite of MSM cryvomiting, and the worst is yet to come from SARS2.

When "liberal" icon elon musk was found to be secretly donating to GOP PAC's his response was:
"That's what it takes to do business in America".

Consider that elitist organizations like the WEF, CFR, Atlantic Council, et al ALL transcend partisan politics.

Divide & conquer.

Keep the mindless masses busily distracted, blaming & fighting each other over which sides leaders are more corrupt.

Yet, regardless whether GOP or DEM, the same elite continue to gain more wealth & power.
Whilst the "commoners" continue to lose more of both.

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my only complaint is that against his better judgement he let a bunch of fags convince him to destroy the economy

But his opponents would have done worse with glee so as usual I'm fucked

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Sure maybe 80% of the media is a circlejerk about how somehow it's Trump's fault. But just because they are loud doesn't mean that they're the majority.
They would like you to think they are, so that you'd give up thinking it's already lost. But it's not. And as long as the right people realize that, it'll never be.

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Not even a trump fan, but Democrats literally handed him the election by screwing over Bernie again. He was your party’s best shot at winning the White House, just like last time, and y’all didn’t learn your lesson, and now your party is divided as fuck.

Give me one reason, without mentioning Trump or Obama, why Biden is a good candidate. I’ll bet you that you can’t

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Poor OP, he’s in for a surprise

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You are greatly underestimating the stupidity of U.S. citizens. They still love that con artist. Besides, with Biden as the other choice, Trump is guaranteed to win again.

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weak b8 m8

>would of
Another retarded leftist faggot. Discarded.

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> using MSM unironically
> pretending not to have been a red hat the whole time

this whole site is basically spidermanpointing.jpg

> I alone can fix this country
> I don't take responsibility for anything

He has been exposed and you can spin it however you want. Yas Forums isn't the real world and he is going to lose

He saved thousands while Dems cried racism...

Stay mad bud, he’s getting my vote and he’ll win again. Lots of black folk are jumping on his train and he’s letting us sit up in first class

lol cry more fag

Maybe all of those sock puppet Twitter accounts should have showed up to vote instead of Bernie losing worse to Joe than he did to Hillary

but go off, don't let me stop you lmao this fucking dumb point of view

libtart you ll see a landslide and all people voting for him, 4 more years, get rekt libtard, HEIL HITLER HEIL THE WHITE RACE

The closest you are gonna get to actually being black is being a white flavored nigger like you are.

Red hats btfo this Nov then under the wheels of history where you belong

>Biden is a good candidate
He still fogs a mirror.
That'll be all that's needed come November.

nobody cares fag, 4 more years KAG, HEIL TRUMP

Must be why Trump's approval ratings are at an all time high?

Hahaha YOU LOSE.

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Except he didnt

May the best rapist win!

>if the left could meme....

1- he didn't fire the response team, that's a false story spread by people that didn't bother to actually look into it.

2 - it's already been proven that he didn't delay shit with regards to the response. by the way, what did the Dems do? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT TRY TO STOP THE RESPONSE!

wake up fucktard, at least try to do a little research.

Pelosi and Schumer work for the same people that the GOP does. It's just a Punch and Judy show.

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>I am not a republican and didn't vote for him in 2016, but definitely am i n 2020 now that Bernie has cucked out again.
>Not doing an AWB, Trump's response to SARS2 has been pretty on point for a leader in spite of MSM cryvomiting, and the worst is yet to come from SARS2.
Are you really this retarded?

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I will remember. Not voting for that fag again.

Oh, honey, you know so little of the muriKKKans! Every day they set the bar for retarded even lower than before.

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>Not even a trump fan
Sure you aren't. I bet those sock puppets on Twitter aren't either, right?

Heh China machine goes brrt

1. He did, sorry bud.

2. He did, sorry bud.

The facts aren't with you on this one. They never are for uneducated people like you.