Communist hate thread

Communist hate thread
>be communist
>don't work
>waiting for handouts
>gets mad at the people that own property
>never amounts to anything
Why don't you communist just an hero and stop lynching resources from the rest of us.
>you can't, cause you are to pussy and selfish to better society.

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Communists are fucking pussies

Putin isn't really communist, he's basically a capitalist dictator.
Real communism hasn't existed outside books.

I'm a communist anarchist and I've been working all my life, asshole.

I should have a right to own what I create, including my labor.

You going to say that to their face?

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These niggers don't even consider themselves communist. You wouldn't like it either because you would have to do work. Physical work

They look like Nicaraguans? Am I right? If I am they are fucked, so is Venezuela, Cuba isn't even half of what it used to be. Do I name more. Most eastern European countries.

I'm curious if you are enjoying your free stuff from Trump? While you sit at home during your CV19 holiday, I'm working still. And now you're getting your handout.
Also they passed a massive "stimulus" package that dwarfs what Obama did. Most that money is going to Jews BTW. Enjoy your free shit while pretending you're not a commie yourself.

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I hate communists because all they want is a shitty boring life where they get drunk all day and get cucked by a damaged daddies whore with a buzz cut.
They don't believe they can be great so they settle for almost nothing. The problem is that they don't want to work for it.
Capitalism isn't perfect but it is essentially the best form of market as it allows for the poor to become rich. My dad was one of these people and I'm working with him to cement a permanent superiority with our family.

By the way already have

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Be op, don't know shit about shit.
Most likely can't even define concepts like "communism".

Likely reads the msm & accepts as gospel.

Likely doesn't realize the largest corps in the U.S. are the biggest welfare leeches.

Complains about "handouts" but says nothing about Trump bux, or the OVER $29 TRILLION handed to the largest Wall St banks, or the constant bailouts of many of the largest businesses.

Likely doesn't know that only 4 of 12 key economic sectors have seen gains since 2007, and those gains have come most only from govt spending & govt mandated civilian participation (like healthcare/insurance).

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First of all, I don't apply for that wealthfare shit. user tell me how it feels to be poor. I want to live through your experiences as a poor faggot

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You don't have anything to argue so you just talk shit. Nice coping method faggot. I really hope you try to start a revolution so we can finally be rid of you. We need to lower the population anyways

Viva anarchy sheep!

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I would be OK with anarcho capitalism

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Anarchism is the future of humanity!

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Why would you prefer a market-based anarchy (Anarcho-capitalism) rather than a gift economy-based anarchy (communist anarchism)?

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I actually think there shouldn't be bailouts. I don't like bans in general. But fuck communism.

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Im not OP but i would definitely want to see the end of all gov subsidies and aid to countries like israel. As far as im concerned aid is only for countries that are on the brink of collapse. If we ended all subsidies we could feed every homeless person and person who is food-insecure.

Fuck Communism all it really did was make the 1% have absolute power and riches on paper rather than in favors.

Communism is nice in text. Not really applicable to human nature. Communism has never been applicable.

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Socialist programs shouldn't exist at all. No welfare, no social security, no medicaid, or any of that shit.

in b4 half of the commie-hating guys pounce on me saying "THAT'S DIFFERENT! I PAID INTO IT! I DESERVE GOVERNMENT GIBS!"

Yes, it has, check out revolutionary Catalonia
and the Zapatistas (in this picture): Both of which were communist anarchy, proving that anarchism in the real world would be communist and not anarcho-capitalism.

This is why capitalism is bad people get jobs from within the family and merit becomes secondary. It's not what you know its who you know. People work there whole life to atain a job that affords them a lifestyle they desire then refuse to leave until it kills them and they physically can't do it anymore. Instead of going down to a easyer job because it's there time they fight desperately because they don't want to go back to poverty only working 3 days a week and going into debt to live.

I'm not even saying communism is good I'm just saying image a world we're you were given guaranteed work based on your current skill set and didn't have to do more or less than your capable of, and never had to worry about food or shelter.

Maby the sense of security would feel nice.

And to all the cunts who say its not possible. Your basically a monkey who has no experience of this because its has never happened shut the fuck up.

Shove that strawman up your arse

>Socialist programs shouldn't exist at all. No welfare, no social security, no medicaid, or any of that shit.
> in b4 half of the commie-hating guys pounce on me saying "THAT'S DIFFERENT! I PAID INTO IT! I DESERVE GOVERNMENT GIBS!"
Too late they got Trumpbucks now. They'll never let go of socialism, and the trick was just to call it something else and pass it with a "republican" president.

>something that has actually been an argument on the commie side

Join the I.W.W.!!

A better world is possible!

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Someone is mad, please tell me why it's a strawman argument?In communism we should all be the same and earn the same. At least that's what your books say.

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If you can't feed yourself then die fucker.

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This isn't GOV GIBS this is basically a interest free loan for next years taxes. Nice try with the lies though

what a fuckin idiot

A doctor would be given SOCIAL credit in communism, rather than MARKET-credit, retard.


good goy, keep obeying your capitalist overlords, you miserable working-class piece of shit

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>This isn't GOV GIBS this is basically a interest free loan for next years taxes. Nice try with the lies though
Really? Because you believe the lie that it is a loan. And that's a lie. A loan is something you actually apply for, they check your credit etc. They're calling it a loan, but won't really ask for repayment. At least not from you directly. It will get taken out of my taxes, and through hyper-inflation. That's what Jews do. Plus you are intentionally only looking at the $1200, and not the earth shattering "stimulus". Even Obama never went that far! But Trump pretends he's a "Republican" and you lap it all up like a good little goy.

They haven't gained any real traction. If they ever come to power which I doubt. They'll end up fucking it up like all the communist revolutions.

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look at this facebook boomer level nonsense. jfc you people have no concept of reality.

The Jews hate anarchism! They'd lose all their money and their ability to corrupt!

Pic related, a proper socialist soldier.

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Member Y of Group X believes this so this is what Group X believes. If you choose to also belong to group X you must also believe this.

It is this way because I say it and who am I? Some fucking idiot with a thing against group X because of something Member Y said.

Communism/Socialism has killed more people in 100 years than religion has in 1500 years. If not Just as many