Childhood celebrity crushes?

Childhood celebrity crushes?

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>the office (2005-2013)

I was about 11 or 12 then, yes...

okay old man, face it, the internet is crowded with youngsters

For me, it's Fairuza Balk as Vicki Vallencourt in The Waterboy

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Even if he was 12 during the last season, that would make him 18-19 now so...

Just to be older.

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There are places outside of your backwards, cousin-fucking, notoriously obese and cheetopropaganda-pushing country, user, where the laws of time, space and age differ. You'll learn someday, no worries! Though a little sad you haven't, after this much time...

So many loads went to this chick

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use to jack my lil middle school dick to her all the time

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lol marcy darcy

yes but only early seasons when she was thicc

take your meds and go lay down

Hilary Duff

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She's absolutely gorgeous in walk hard - i think she's never been prettier

let's duet

Final Verdict: Trying Too Hard

like this?

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Hard enough to get your faggot ass attention

Thanks for ruining Daisy Duke for me. She was a lot hotter in my hazy memory.

I think the movie ruined her more.

>faggot ass
Project much?

Cranked out many to this calendar page.

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Just looked that up. Jessica Simpson, what the actual fuck.

Want it harder?