Yas Forums, how do you feel that Trump will still be your president for the next five years?

Yas Forums, how do you feel that Trump will still be your president for the next five years?

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I don't agree, especially watching the dim lad shid hisself for two and a half hours yesterday

Feels good OP

Pretty good tbh, fam. In the middle of this pandemic, I got an 3rd shift job where I sit on my ass for 12 hours playing video games & watching TV, just got $2400 corona bus dropped in my bank account this morning. Trump's presidency been damn good to me.

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Not great, the Jews are even more in swing now that he’s here

*corona bux

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He can literally say "fuck America" on television right now and he'd still win.

It's the big question - Fucked in the ass with the jack hammer or jangle your balls in a paint shaker.

BOTH Trump and Biden are shit candidates. But i'd rather throw my vote away for the bullshitter thats honest about it, than a pervy senile politicking predator

Or we all stand in unison and vote for COVID-19 for president

Grace Jones would make a suitable running mate

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>non-American obsessed with American politics detected


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I think it's great how the media kept pulling their bullshit with him, and have to write hit pieces now because he owned them so hard, lol

lol Trump ain't honest about shit fuck off my reedy cheery-cheeked ladlet

I wish I knew the president so I could tell him to prove my point. He's literally trying to reopen the country.

If Hillary were in there, we'd be up to our eyeballs in all of South America by now and our firearms would have been banned a couple years ago. Trump is surely influenced by kikes, but not controlled by them.

>that's your I hope this guy is a fag like me oh dang he isn't sense tingling

the country is full of retards, why should the president be any different?

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this. we can't ignore our retarded population any longer.

Purdy fuggin' good yo

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>the country is full of retards
It is not. it's full of good people that are poorly informed by a subverted media.



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Same difference.

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>he owned them so hard
did he, really?

He cut off funding the WHO today too. (((Globalism))) is canceled.


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It's like the Democrats want him to win. Bernie could have beat him in 2016 and he could have beat him this year. But Trump is gonna go the full 8.