Americans are getting fucked in the ass so hard by China it's insane

Americans are getting fucked in the ass so hard by China it's insane.

U.S. is gonna kneel before China in the coming years lmfao.

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China has been lying about the coronavirus just like they lie about everything else. Even the CIA knows this.


The only thing the CIA knows is bullshit. China is raping America lmao.

New Yorkers are not American

>by China
right... Their the ones that didn't prepare for a pandemic despite several near misses over the last 3 decades.

New York is the only relevant part of America.

This isn't China's fault, its the US' fault for doing fuck all about it when they knew about it. And they had ample time to have things in place.

Trump crying about not funding WHO is his projection BS again trying to blame others for his stupidity.

Fucking stupid yanks.

well, so even Trump, obviously

Its the chinks fault for giving the world another illness and lying about it for almost 5 months

What the fuck are you on about?
Seriously, what year do you think it is?

Chinese citizens dont have rights. Easy to round them up into camps or just kill them.

America will nuke china hopefully

>China kicks out all western journalists
>All of a sudden China says COVID-19 isn’t a problem there anymore

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it's 90% new york city

california and texas, the 2 most populous states, have a combined 1,000 deaths (maybe 1500 now), and 50,000 cases. NYC is like 250,000 cases and 20,000 deaths

Thanks Trumpo

the next 2 most populous*

>90% NYC
american education skills

Bug People

Nature did, and they didn't lie about it for 5 months, stop being fucking paranoid you tryhard.

They had a few cases in November with no clue of it's potential death rates, late December is when they knew it was bad and alerted everyone globally about it, that is when they closed down Wuhan and built prefab hospitals to cope.

By then people had been travelling as well as foreigners. At first they believed there was no human to human contact which the WHO commented on, but as said late December they knew then this was serious.

Trump and the US government knew it was deadly at this time, like every other nation, but yet did nothing until late January. By which time people were moving freely infected.

The reason you have 600k+ cases and 26k+ deaths is because of Trump, simple as that. If he quarantined people coming into the US from Asia the numbers would not be bad.

Wonder why most of Asia has low numbers except for China? Because they took it seriously and took precautions and were aggressively testing, while Trump was stroking his ego again blaming democrats.

So I will be blunt again, America deserves this for listening to a fucking retard in power.

That's a Japanese sign not Chinese.

Cope foreigner lol

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The fact that you actually believe China says more about you and the MSM you watch everyday.

Mostly filled with foreigners because hardly any Americans go to Uni as they aren't good enough. Just sayin.

Not the Chinese
It came from Chapel Hill, NC

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How many americans can afford to go to those schools? A simple division problem such as finding out what % of deaths and/or cases ny is relative to the us should be 3rd grade math.

It's a blessing in disguise, we're only losing the old and unhealthy. They're the people who are a massive drain on society anyway.


actually most of the valuable medical advice now comes from chinese doctors and scientists sharing what they found out in their own struggles

China can't even make an escalator that doesn't kill people. I'm not afraid of those retarded chinks

I'm afraid no
Trump will survive this, at least physically

but Trump University rules

it was an exaggeration, but still
>implying new jersey isn't just an extension of NY

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