Be Reporter at White House

>Be Reporter at White House
>Ask question that starts off with
>"Why havent you done anything...."
>Get my asshole stomped into a bloody mud puddle
>By the Great
Did you see the massacre?

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>Pussyaching because people ask him legitimate questions.


Buddy you've drank too much of the Kool-Aid

You mean when Trump had a tantrum like a giant baby?

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Be Respectful To Our President.
Or feel hims wrath.

You see how he laid the smack down onj those dirty bitches?

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You see dey faces?

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America literally grants me the freedom to tell you that he's a giant cunt that should be flayed.

If you don't like it, you can go fuck yourself.

He's a little bitch, friend.

the douchebag was in denial about the pandemic until shit hit the fans.

I have complete authority to do whatever I want but I take no responsibility for what happens or has happened

Oooooooooooo. No.
You can't threaten the President like YOU JUST DID.



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can't believe you did that bro

What is with you people and your adoration of this man? Giving him a manly beard, 6 pack, buff AF etc when the man is closer to a pile of pudding then being even moderatly close to not obese.

Besides, if he were a real bad ass American he would have served when he was drafted instead of having daddy pay a doctor to say he has bone spurs.

Grow the fuck up you fucking colossal faggot. Open your god damn eyes

Because they feel if someone like that can be rich and successful (Even if not of his own mind or wealth, just his daddys), they think maybe they can be that someday too

> Haha yes I agree completely fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.

he means every word.
Especially when he makes (MAKES)
the democrats
>look like dancing chimps.
>Like trained seals.
>Dems are utter simps
>Like dog shit on the bottom
>of a golden flip flop.
>Any attention borrowed
>until he rips the head off.

>Is really quite funny
>How he tortures you faggots
>Especially when he calls you Honey
>and you lose your fucking shit

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i would like to use my Make A Wish last wish to rub the hairs on Joe Bidens leg and watch WATCH them stand back up.
Thanks and hurry.

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mental illness!!!!! trumps a fat slob with bitch tits

Where's all those 2A people now that a president says he has authority over the states?

You're such a faggot for Trump. That makes you a faggot.

shitty get

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You're the deranged reddidiot that keeps making these stupid ass bait threads in pro and anti Trump derangement flavors.
Don't deny you are some perma virgin with a handicap keyboard who wishes somebody would actually pay the slightest small bit of attention to you in real life.

but you're still less then worthless.
still less then
still less

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I'm too busy watching the governors thank President Trump on Fox News right now to give a fuck about what your trying to say.

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My sentimental exactly, you have no idea of the pressure our dear leader is under!

All these liberals trying to tell him what to do and all!!

Sooner than President Trump takes over all the government and drains the swamp the better

Beard looks hipster and stupid

This is the gayest looking Trump I've ever seen and I mean like homosexual gay.

so what? he's a tyrant wannabe

Trump is dumn fucking idot. His followers are just as bad as niggers

2A faggit?
you habing a stroke?

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Said with half ass eloquence like a true nigger.

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I saw a lunatic aggressively dodge real questions and blame just about everyone while not taking any responsibility for anything

Exactly. His maladjusted personality AKA he’s bonkers insane is so apparent you’ve got to be a drooling uber goober or a bootlicking cult simpleton (or both) to not see the plain evidence in front of your fucking face every day Bossy Baby diarrheas all over the briefings to the nation.

2nd Amendment

> Haha yes I agree completely fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.

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25th Amendment

You again?

You mean like how CNN had a literal on screen graphic meltdown? They changed 6 tagline graphics in a few minutes. The asshurt was obvious on the media and the left.