What's next?

What's next?

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Taxes, maintain everything.
Foreclosure. Aging. Being bitter

Someone posted the ad for her house yesterday. Lost the pic.

Nobody really cares. Consider moving to China please

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GTFO my /b

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No u

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Lost the pic? Did you take it on a fucking polaroid then go on a bender and drop it in some gutter after getting wasted?


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Incels are lining up to give her hundreds of dollars for fucking feet pics. Why don't we just kill the incels?

Who cares about material items earned without dignity/hard work, anyone can take a picture of their fucking cooter and sell them to simps. Don't be upset about this person she will be like many other internet whores and her looks will fade as well as her "career" and she will be left without purpose in a big house alone and depressed.

>whats next

to bad that slut cant leave her house now thanks to chink flu

also,nobody cared about onlyfans until the basement dwellers screamed and shouted about idubbz girlfriend

Depressed with a house and no need for a job is so much better than depressed with a shitty job and apartment but you already knew that user.

address leak not allowed on /b
delete this immediately!

>dream house

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This. Bitch will probably lose everything in 5 years.

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Kinda sad. Our house is a bit bigger with 3 bedrooms / 2 bathrooms, family room, living room, garage, on 15.5 acres, and only cost $91k. Granted we live in rural Kentucky and our nearest neighbor is 4 1/2 miles down the road, but I'd rather live in the middle of nowhere, than middle of suburban hell. Paid off our mortgage last year after 3 years of working hellish overtime to pull it off, but well worth it.

Good on you user, trad based indeed.

Desert Hot Springs? Why the fuck would you move there?

Dude, just because you paid for the house doesn't mean you don't have bills. and if all she knows how to do is take pics of her cooter, then she's fucked.

I would bet her house on that.

Depression and homelessness

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that'll be her next idea

someone should call the agency and let them know a sex offender just bought the house and you're not happy as you have little kids.

houses not the same but lol at tabs

Stupid fuck is more than likely renting it

She would over leveraged already, she’s got 3 years max until foreclosure

It is the same house you absolute mongoloid

Dat 556 post