Redpill thread

Redpill thread.

Post your pics that exposes the hidden agenda of the elites who run this world.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Could we be heading towards another genocide with straight white men as the victims?
Steps 1 - 6 sound eerily familiar to what's happening around the world right now.

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Back to Yas Forums faggot

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Don't forget to take your blue pill tonight faggot.

"Yes, there is a conspiracy, in fact there are a great number of conspiracies that are all tripping each other up. And all of those conspiracies are run by paranoid fantasists and ham-fisted clowns. The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory is that conspiracy theorists actually believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is chaotic. The truth is, that it is not the Jewish banking conspiracy or the grey aliens or the 12 foot reptiloids from another dimension that are in control. The truth is more frightening, nobody is in control. The world is rudderless." --Alan Moore, writer of V for Vendta

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>the elites who run this world
>implying that anybody is in charge of this whole mess

>hidden agenda
>implying basement dwellers like you could guess what anybody in the world wants,
especially the people who allegedly rule this world

Yeah. Right.

Learn something, idiot. If you are not white then you're excused.

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So you don't believe conspiracies but you'll believe a quote from one random guy... Of course you do. You're the type of person they want. A sheep.

How do you know that wasn't written as a way to deviate you from figuring something out?

The Beast System and its minions want you dead, wake up!

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Does this conspiracy involve Pizza Parlors? Because it's 2020 goddammit and I'll be damned if I believe in something that doesn't involve Pizza Parlors.

dear schlomo Goldstein.

we know. its in our DNA.

Trips of naivety!

>you'll believe a quote from one random guy
the guy is exactly as random as, say, Alex Jones,
but unlike him this argument makes a bit of sense

>How do you know that wasn't written as a way
>to deviate you from figuring something out?
Occam's Razor, burden of proof and common sense

>Tells people to "learn something"
>proceeds to not read any socialist philosophy whiles calling it demonic
Don't waste my time, back to Yas Forums or back to /x/, pick one and go
>"random guy"
>wrote fuckin V for Vendetta
>Doesn't realize literally all quotes could easily be false quotes cause you weren't fuckin there to hear them

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^Sorry, the upper one was for you

Yes, it's all the Beast System. From the CIA to Hollywood to the MSM. I watched the whole thing today and recommend everyone does as well.

>but unlike him this argument makes a bit of sense
Yet no evidence. A lot of conspiracy theories have evidence. Some irrational, some with weight behind them.
>burden of proof
Read the pics in the thread and then do your own research.
>common sense

>Read the pics in the thread and then do your own research.
That's not how burden of proof works but ok

You don't even know what the burden of proof is do you?
No matter what gets posted on here you'll just deny it anyway wouldn't you? You have no way to refute these claims so you're using the "burden of proof" argument as a cope out.

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Don't forget to take your meds, schizo. The redpill is the last pill you need to function correctly.

It's funny how unselfaware you all are, you tell me I don't know what I'm talking about and even go as far as attempt to change the meaning of burden of proof (you literally just have to post links, is that really fucking hard?). Yet a guarantee you don't even know what socialism is or what Karl Marx stood for. I bet you didn't even know George Orwell was a socialist. You're no different than the flat earth fags.

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So you resort to an ad hominem. That tells me everything I need to know.
I can do the same thing though. "Don't forget to take your meds, sheep. The bluepill is the last pill you need to function correctly"

lmao. The fact that people believe this stuff is hilarious

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>you literally just have to post links
Hence why I said read the thread and look into them yourself. Burden of proof doesn't fall onto me when I've already posted numerous in this thread. Duh.
Your comment is now void because of it.


That wasnt even the guy you were originally replying to. Im reading this thread and it seems like you are making quite an effort to avoid providing anything of actual substance to validate ANY of the bullshit you're shilling for ITT. The dude asked for a fucking link and you've got nothing but mental gymnastics as evasion, and now you're replying to other people responding to a strawman. Jesus christ dude. Provide something of substance or fuck off with your disinfo memes.
>make claims
>add descriptions to them
>mentally backflip when confronted on the issue of citing actual sources for evidence to validate the claims

Does his end game was spread marxism for weaken people and control everything on the top of the capialism hierarchy with his israelites friends?

>muh YouTube links are valid credible proof! It proves my meme pics!
Retarded people shouldn't be allowed to use the internet.

>no you! I'm 3 years old and can't be bothered to post sources just shitty pictures. You hurt my feeling so now your argument is void because I said so!
Ok faggot

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My mom's mom was jewish.

Does that make me a kike that needs to die or does that make me first in line to rule the new order?

Depends on the circumstances faggot. This would be considered a civil matter, so the burden of proof is on you.

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Just present yourself as white and they're literally not going to be able to tell the difference. They're retarded NPCs.

Just opne your mind and watch the video. The guy was a Hollywood stunt man and the woman worked in the media her whole life, now they are blowing the whistle.

you will get to rule over the dark people.

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No they don't

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And you're making an effort to dispute the claims without posting anything to refute the claims in this thread.
Continue using the burden of proof as a cop out. If you paid attention you would realise I already have. Sheep.


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The Jews are so angry in this thread. Kek.

You really don't know the difference between credible and non credible evidence, sound and unsound reasoning, do you? This is sad my dude.