What is this? I've had this for months now, it looks and feels like a pimple it cant be squeezed

What is this? I've had this for months now, it looks and feels like a pimple it cant be squeezed.

Attached: IMG-20200414-010704.jpg (900x1200, 281.22K)

nice HPV wart bro

Dick cancer

just rub a little Dr. Scholls wart remover on it. you'll be fine laddie

I had this to a couple of time too, basically you are fapping to much

I've had them occasionally, mostly on my balls.They last a long time but eventually pop like zits. Not sure what they are, if they're anything else.


don't be a pussy. Pop it and post pic of results.

Nice tiny Asian dick.

this or gtfo

its probably this thanks, im an idiot for not going to doctor in the first place

its actually 16 cm fully erect

That's an ingrown hair cyst. Go to a dermatologist to have it fixed, or be a badass and pop it yourself. It will hurt, and smell fucking horrible. Don't leave any of the cystic sac inside the wound or it will get infected. Have some antibiotic cream on hand for treating it. Polysporin with antibiotics should do the trick. If it gets infected, and starts to hurt a lot, go to a doctor.

Pic related.

Attached: 2057-Ingrown_Hair_Cyst-642x361_Slide_2.jpg (642x361, 57.64K)

Had one, fucked with it way to much and now have a perma scar and dent on my shaft that things get stuck in and a hair still grows and wraps around the crater...

You're asian though right?

You nasty mother fucker....how do you not go to the doctor day 1 when a giant mongoloid dick bump shows up.

That's an ingrown hair, the ones on your dick are easy to get behind and roll out between your fingers

OP here, thanks, ill go to doc probably

south-eastern european

Gypsies and Turks aren't Europeans.

good im neither

I think I have one of these right now. Tried lancing it a while back but wussed out when it was deeper than the top layer of skin. I might have a doctor remove it sooner or later. I dont want my already meager sex life to suffer from it.

Looks like an ingrown pubic hair. Pop that shit. Gonna hurt like a mother fucker. Had one on my balls last month.

The puss was thick like toothpaste.

Bulgarians, bosnians and albanians are turks serbians and romanians are gypsies. Which one are you?

and youre a niggerfaggot

>south-eastern european


u have corona AIDS. RIP faggot

Ingrown hair or milium. Slice that shit and squeeze it faggot

It resembles a penis but smaller.

this is a legitimate question. squatting for prolonged periods whilst consuming methylated alcohols is proven to cause ingrowth of hain in the critical area

Haha dubs of truth

Does it smell like ham? If so, chlamydia.

If it resists squeezing, try the hottest washcloth you can stand to soften it up. I realize it's your dick but it's worked for me in other areas. Godd luck user.

he is still a subhuman tho

That’s a dick worm friend. If you don’t squeeze that fucker out, it’ll eat your tiny cock from the inside out.

Show asshole with time stamp.

.gov tracking device

I'm not a doctor but's 100 percent genital warts or hpv.

Bro please squeeze it and take pics. Dont be a pussy and waste a doctor's time with this shit.

>views a vague picture
>not a doctor
>100% sure
>chokes on a bag of dicks

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