ITT Brits post things that Yanks wont understand
ITT Brits post things that Yanks wont understand
Not having dental care
fucking your sister to stay rich
This chick looks like the guy who acted as Jason Bourne
1 cubic meter of water weights 1000 kg
>can pinpoint water weight using the size of the area it fills
>still can’t land a man on the moon (or even a rover)
What is wrong with Brits?
How some respect, she's a national treasure.
Farewell England's rose
Having an industrial revolution that didn't revolve around slavery.
Blow a fag
Learning of and gathering spices from around the world, but still having food that tastes like shit
> NASA lost a $125 million Mars orbiter because a Lockheed Martin engineering team used English units of measurement while the agency's team used the more conventional metric system for a key spacecraft operation
Yep, one mistake made in the epic story of American Space Exploration. How's your shitty island lol?
I'd fuck Matt Damon in drag.
Blowing your nose into a tissue rather that sniffing up and spitting it out the window
Who were we a colony of then? Whos flag flew on the majority of the slave ships? When did slavery end there? Because I forget... Oh right - England, England, and 1833 at the END of the industrial revolution.
Having an empire
dat past tense
ever heard of ESA?
Nah, dude. We understand dying in long line. Excuse me. A long queue.
ESA isnt Brit, you left remember? Keep moving the goalposts to make your arguments. I"m sure your contributions will be missed.
The British colonies and their slaves were an integral part of our industrial revolution. Soz matey.
Button Moon
Matt Damon
Enjoy going into debt for your dental care while Brits get free dental care, have been scientifically shown to have better teeth than Americans, and only have the reputation because our actors are successful based on talent rather than looks.
ESA has nothing to do with the UN.