Can you even name 1 reason why you WOULD vote for this clown??
Can you even name 1 reason why you WOULD vote for this clown??
he’s not joe biden
He's not Hillary.
He's not Biden.
Because it pisses off the millennials lol
> Haha yes I agree completely fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.
>mmm yesss your butthurt is delicious
It's amazing how stupid some people are. To be even a little bit in favor of the Democrats against Trump is like a slave worshiping his Master and his enslavement while pushing Abe Lincoln out of his tumbledown home. You just don't get it b/c you're stoopid and ignant!
some people just want to watch the world burn
Lower taxes...duh
I like his attitude and that he seems to stand for putting America first. I like that he doesn't seem to waste a whole lot of taxpayer money on socialist crap. I like how he plays the media cleverly. Things have been going great where I'm from since he's been elected, though it's impossible to tell how much of that is related to his policies. He managed to get North Korea to calm down and stop publicly denouncing America so much, which I thought was good. Just all around seems like a great guy awhile left-wing media lies about him 24/7.
Why wouldn't I vote for him?
If as a US idiot you only have the choice between two evils.
Because hes better than any demorat could ever be
>because I'm a cringing faggot
no dumbass
you aren't rich
your taxes will not go down
> left-wing media
alll media is corporate
there is no "left wing media" trumpshit
because I like it when he says my problems are the fault of everyone else
literally stick your dick up your own asshole
Only Trump is akbar
Biden obviously has dementia
Lol COPE simp
Nice source
Anyone who supports trump is a stupid faggot.
Trump has made America Great Again
netanyahoo said he was a nigger from outter space damn jews lol
The science has been completely wrong though
Because it posses retarded liberals like you off faggot
why the fuck is this place occupied by a bunch of lib twitter fags since trump was elected
90% don't give a fuck one way or the other, cry more faggot
I want to
trump messin around in that nigger money haha "gimme shekels white man"
>completely wrong though
Is that why there is so many darn trap and coc k rate threads? Liberal faggots
1. Not a real issue, I know you want to just be handed money, kiddo but it don't work like that. I know it's not fair, life isn't fair, the quicker you accept this, the better.
2. Total bullshit.
3. This has to do with demand shift as a result of coronavirus, nothing more. It will correct itself when we get back to "normal".
4. It's not my fault you do not know how to manage your money and that you're a disgrace.
5. Keep getting degrees in Cultural Anthropological Studies of Feminism & Gender Studies at a top-notch university only to find out, you didn't learn anything. All you were was someone who was brainwashed and now has no valuable skills. That's your fault for not getting a STEM degree, "not everyone gets to paint the pictures on the cave's walls", if you will.
6. That's because we're getting tax breaks. It's not my fault you can't quick smoking rock. Go to rehab, grow-up and get your shit together already, you fucking loser.
sure kid
>United States citizens thinking Trump created all of their problems and that their dog shit country hasn't been in decline for decades already
Not one president before Trump has had a proper goal for Americans and America's allies. Nothing has gotten better in decades. Nothing has improved. Your country is going to shit and you fuck heads are dragging down us allies with you. Your two most favourable nominees are a Narcissistic businessman with no prior political experience and education, and a known pedo. That's legit the two best people you have to run the world.
USA - Union of Stupid Assholes
everyone likes throwing stones at the throne. cry more
You are right. Fuck america!
Europe is the best you retarded "freedom" eagles!
I hope you break a bone so you have to sell your house, your 2000$ pc and your daughter to pay the bills
Who are you fighting for exactly? Trumps business? He sold it. To his Jewish daughter. Are you saying all this to prove to other countries that you're smarter than the average bear? Thats treason. CEO are dick heads, nobody wants to work for them. Also, they want to retire early just as much as anyone else with family. Has tard Don put any thought into that? And if so, prove it? Listen man, this guy has get away from the White House. It's not good for our future.
Because orange man bad!