Alt right cringe thread

alt right cringe thread

Attached: alt right cringe.jpg (465x715, 83.54K)

>i'm superior in every way
>the white race is being destroyed because i can't have sex

>alt right
>supports a fucking zionist

yep thats cringe alright

> Haha yes I agree completely fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.

I'm a Civic Nationalist and yet I'm constantly called
>alt right
Why do you think that is?

how would anyone here know?

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Why don't you just post the entirety of Yas Forums here

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Jesus, a jew from the desert, is apparently white according to this tradthot

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You know that the majority of posterso n Yas Forums are Alt.-Right, correct?
>>the white race is being destroyed because i can't have sex
Quite the strawman you assembled there. High five, bud.

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Post your pic, Ahmed.

Jesus the larping alt-righters are the most pathetic lol

Who's larping though? I am 100% serious about the movement and what it stands for.

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That picture is a joke right?

Why are righties so obsessed with black dick?

We're not. Are you "people" capable of presenting anything other than strawmen and other assorted nonsense?

No one said anything about orange man - yet. He said alt-right.

>implying alt-right and orange man may, in fact be connected.

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>the majority of posterso n Yas Forums are Alt.-Right
no we aren't, don't put us in with those incel fags.

incedible cringe, thanks for contributing

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Assuming that leftists are not armed and not willing to shoot back.

Death to all Fascist scum

> more invented titles than a sjw

They're a parody of themselves

Nope. We are not majority alt-right. Fuck off for even saying that, newfriend.

Hmmm... not much alt right cringe material. Compare to leftists cringe, or Berniebros cringe.

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How does it feel to know that you're fighting a battle which has literally never been won in all of human history, despite thousands of years of trying by countless numbers of people?

While you wage your alt-right white jihad cuck fantasy, the world will continue to move forward while your neckbeard gets worse and worse. Just fuck off.

you lost the war

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Well then, in that case I will have to leave this site. I admit I am new and must have somehow picked up the wrong impression of this place.

No shit you did. Begone.

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