What is the best thing you've ever hacked, Yas Forums?

What is the best thing you've ever hacked, Yas Forums?

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Boyfriends emails, found out he was banging dudes

Did you confront him about it after you found out?

Oh yeah, he said it wasn't him. Lmfao. Literally sent photos of his face, dick, butthole from HIS email address but it wasn't him. Conversations would stop after he got the addresses of these saggy old fags. Wasn't the first time I caught him doing stuff like this either, a few years before he was caught looking for trannies to bang. I gave up on him because obviously he is homosex

Fuck that's shitty sorry to hear.
Post tits before thread gets pruned

I second this

Tits or gtfo

I third this.
We're all straight and want to cum to your tits.


tits or gtfo


Definitely doesn't count as that, but back in the early 90s i was very interested in phreaking and social engineering based exploits. This was all from info on local bbses and later telnet, so it wasn't like i came up with very much on my own, but i was had tones to play to make free payphone calls at least, and there was even still a payphone nearby as late as mid 90s that still worked with the wargames trick.
The best social engineering thing i was able to pull off semi-regularly was getting on the grocery store PA from the payphone outside. I was young so it was just me acting obnoxious but it was still kind of funny in hindsight.
There were also a few hotels where i could get on the elevator PA from calling in and tricking the front desk into transferring me, but i couldn't hear who i was bugging so it was either very funny or very pointless.

Hacked Apart wood for a campfire so my family would be warm.

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Best thing I have ever hacked into is a nice bag of chips.

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My hot aunt's faceboom account, didn't find any nudes but found out she cheated on her husband. Could have blackmailed her into having sex. Regret to this day for not doing it.

There were 2 ways to phreak payphones in the US at that time. On Bell phones you used a redbox tone that imitated the frequency played when dropping in a quarter. You just used a memory dialer from radio shack that had an acoustic coupler on it and changed the frequency crystal in it. The other payphones were COCOTS (customer owned coin operated tel service). You could use the fake dialtone exploit to make unlimited calls by just getting a receiving call to hang up and then wait for the fake dialtone. All that stuff was in 2600 and phrack. Fun times.

Never anything big, but I got access to paid WiFi for free on an airplane a few times. Got into uni's networks in order to print for free on their campus-wide printer system. Also sent print jobs to hundreds of unprotected printers on another university's network to print stupid quotes and shit for people to have to deal with when I was in high school.

Post pic of aunt

Had a botnet of 65k when I was 16. I owned a website and distributed a trojan to everyone I wrote in vb (not script). Managed them all on a off continent IRC server.

I hop around startups gathering that sweet startup equity now. Good life.

Yeah back in highschool I stayed up all night hacking my school. In the morning the next day I brought an umbrella. The schools sprinkler system went off and drenched everyone. The popular hot girl asked me what was going on? I replied the pool on the roof must have a leak. She was pissed.


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>brough umbrella
EZ L, staff would have noticed. Also, sprinkler systems aren't usually iot lol

i hacked into a database. i can get you any phone number of anyone in america. also can prob get their address and email

Phone phreaking was before my time, but man windows xp was a great OS to exploit. You could install .exe's from jpegs.

Yep, had a redbox that someone made for me and then later on just had a recording loop - this was before they changed the payphones so you couldn't input sound in before paying.
Also not really "hacking" but was still fun, i used to use wardialers and would have free voicemails for a bit by changing the default passwords. And found an answering machine for some cafe that i could use late at night, for some reason the third party charging wouldn't register it as an answering machine and when it got to the part "come see us" it would hear the "see" as (I'm assuming) "si" and i'd have a free call charged to them.
I know this was all stupid but i was like 13.

Prove it

who's # you want?

I jacked the voicemail for on the movie attack of the killer tomatoes. Not sure if it still works. Was fun having such an iconic/high profile number.

How about Jennie Garth

I heard friends say that this serie (OP's pic) is quite good, can user confirm?
do you know any good sites to download/stream series? I lost a few bookmarks in a hdd crash some months ago and I can't find stuff

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I was on this hot date with another hacker one time. I hacked 3 skyscraper buildings so the lights on the windows flash 'crash and burn'. She thought it was so cool. Those were our hacker names.

I'd gotten into an accident and had to be airlifted to a regional hospital. No resources nearby. This was before cellphones were commonplace. I was able to call out long distance from the desk telephone beside the bed because they hadn't disabled using third-party carrier codes (5 digits) as part of the calling sequence.

Not stupid at all, we were just exploring what was possible. I ran war dialers (tonel0c was my fav) and found all kinds of great stuff to play with. I wasn't really that proficient at hacking, just curious.


Jennie E Garth Age 48
(310) 446-2758

11111 Santa Monica Blvd, STE 800
Los Angeles, CA 90025-6395

i see the stay indoors newfags have already taken their place