Copper is the most fucking awesome metal

Copper is the most fucking awesome metal
Copper conducts electricity nicely
Copper is safe for humans
Copper is easy to process
Copper is antibacterial and anti-viral (WuFlu lives only 4 hours on copper, while on steel it lives 24+ hours)

Copper is the metal you need.

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Eh ceramics are the material of the future man
Nothing beats the properties of well designed organic electrics and polymers

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Yeah whatever you shit brown metalloid
Titanium doesn't corrode ever #Titanium2020

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Imagine using anything for plumbing that copper. Imagine being PEX nigger or PVC retard.

Titanium is not antimicrobial.

Yea copper is God tier tbh.

t. incel

Stop pretending that gold is passe. Gold ruled us before we even existed.

Gold is a soft piece of shit. Copper is strong

copper is fucking stupid lol


Copper is the better version of gold, it's cheaper, more reliable, stronger.

iron is where you should be heading user

Fair points, but I believe titanium bests copper in one field, and that's biocompatibility. You can't make copper artificial joints now can you?

Iron will not kill wuflu

iron is strong like those that can survive Wuflu

>Copper is safe for humans
It's better than that, we need trace amounts of it in fact. Nowhere near as much as other minerals. One of the sources of it is dark chocolate!

Not so strong, when winnie the pooh bans your proxy

Diamond is the hardest metal.

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Copper is the beta metal. It is the poor man's silver. Silver is the best, does everything that copper does but better. Get the fuck out of my face with your copper faggot bullshit.

Shiny charcoal is not a metal

yeah but like 1 gram of it weighs like 15 grams or something

Where can I buy silver pipes?

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At the silver pipes market

Damn that's a good argument

Where do I find such maerkets

Like I said, copper is the poor man's silver. Silver pipes aren't produced because they are too expensive. You aren't negating my point you dumb chimp.

On the market place


Give me link to silver plumbing supplier. I need silver pipes.

what's bad about PEX or PVC?

but silver corrodes so badly.

Fucking dweebs. Mercury is the best metal. Its the only substance bad ass enough to be metal yet chill enough to be liquid. It's going to be the metal that gets us to the stars. Fuck your solid metals.

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Gets brittle over time, especially under pressure
Gets brittle over time due to chlorine in water.

Copper is your only sane plumbing choice.

nah, but imagine silver wiring in your house...

thx for the enlightenment.

Silver wire you can find

liquifieing metals is not hard. just needs the correct temperature.

I've always liked copper

Moot point. The true power of mercury comes from is natural liquid state, among its other spooky properties.

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Coppers the nigger of the metal world

Given a little time and exposure it turns black . Fuck your nigger metal , the one true metal


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Orichalcum Master race !

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the golden turd

looks like turd