How you fags measuring?

how you fags measuring?

Attached: BPEL-ruler-measurement.jpg (715x447, 24.41K)

About 6"

Wide 7 grower

L 7.5
G 4

Do you go from the bone or where it connects?


The bone. 6.75L and 5.75g here.

Bone pressed user
Helps fat fucks like me


Thin 9" here. From asshole.

I measure it by putting it in pussy and seeing if it makes them cum or not. pretty easy test to see if you're big enough.

6” here


this guys scared to face reality

This is some shit you say to impress your equally virgin friends. Real men do objective science and work with real numbers.


pubic bone, but more accurate is from top side of penis. 7.5L 5.5G

this guy fucks

Nice fedora
You're also a faggot

Why, I have a 12" cock sir.

bone pressed
since thats how much is going to go inside whatever you're sticking it in.

You yourself are a fag if you find yourself on a cock rating thread.

I just use a bathroom scale and go by poundage.

k fag


7 doing things irl, 6”5 porn.

Attached: D634F6A4-25B4-4703-870D-14D0104320AA.jpg (532x469, 31.68K)

Big Dick Energy

7.5” length
5.75 girth thickest point
5.25 girth at the base

Proud of my 7.3 inch cock. I am 26 and still a virgin.

I top kek at my tarded cousin Austin. He's so full of his retard he raw fucked a black bitch all the way from Alabama, we're all still residing in California, he got an STD. TOP KEK.

Attached: z8j2dx.jpg (456x760, 31.41K)

I'm not that fucking insecure. I don't bother.

Measuring like pic related hurts af fuck!!!!
I just did it and i think i cut my urethra in the insides, its burning a fucking lot.
It also hurt as fuck when i pushed it to the limit, I didnt feel any bone, just a very sharp pain and I had to pull the tape measure.

do it