want to play a game with my Yas Forumsois
Want to play a game with my Yas Forumsois
also help cover
pol thread got jannied
Yeah i saw that pretty gay
rip pol thread. thanks for making new one op
Reposting bot instructions in case someone needs it.
1. Download the executable at github.com
2. Run command prompt on your windows system.
3. Navigate to the bot location by typing "cd , you can copy the path from Explorer.
4. Find an image on the internet or upload your own. Don't use too big images, mine is 191x264.
5. Run the bot by typing a command like this:
"PixelPlanetBot.exe -x -17375 -y 2163 -i hitlertest -d".
-x is followed by X coordinate;
-y is followed by Y coordinate;
-i is followed by an URL to your image;
-d makes the bot to upkeep the image after it's done.
Cooperation should be possible if all users use the exact same parameters.
Sometimes the bot will stop and ask you to go to the website and solve the capcha. They are defending from hard botting this way.
cool beans
Disclaimer: I am not an author of the bot, so if it's full of trojans don't blame me. I run it in virtual environment.
This. Can't a bunch of internet nazis draw swastikas in peace?
and niggers?
And jews too.
bump ;)
thread died. very sad
>behold.. the white master race
both of the pol ones were offed by jannies, died on page 3
I mean, I get that it's not political discussions per se but so were threads about twitter ops.
Maybe it's not that useful, but still something.
Yes and they still allow the daily shitposts
anything under attack anywhere?
I'm but a simple farmer tending to my bots.
People are still drawing a swastika in England from the looks of it.
nothing under attack rn, most of us are still working on the britswas at pixelplanet.fun
yeah uk swastika's so close now