Asian guy here. Why do all the hot asian girls want white guys instead

Asian guy here. Why do all the hot asian girls want white guys instead

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piss off their father

We are taller, have bigger cocks, have light hair qnd light eyes.. why wouldnt they?

the answer is in her profile pic

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Funny thing is, something like less than 5% of asian women are like this, the majority of asian women want asian men.

Don't believe me? Look at the largest populations in the world

Nah they don't, I've never had any trouble getting asian girls, they make up half of all the girls I dated. I'm not asian though, but not white either.

Go look up the AsianParentStories subreddit. Basically there are likes of Asian girls who associate Asian family life and culture with trauma and want to get as far away from it as possible.

I mean north american asian girls (college age)

My asian gf previous fucks that were white were taller than me and had bigger dicks

They are whores and should be burned on a cross op

hi someone pls id her

user, if you're looking at ANY women in America, around college age, all of them want white cock. This is in fact, a while dominated county, so you shouldn't find that surprising.

If you truly want a proper asian wife, you gotta go to asia for that shit. They're just as freaky in bed, but much more submissive, and they actually have household skills such as cooking, cleaning and taking care of children.

Stop being brainwashed by white supremacist nazi fucks,

My wife isn't into the whole 'white guys are the best' thing but she does often say she likes my skin and jawline. Idk

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Seems like a natural pairing. Asian women get a big dick and a good natured guy. White guys get a tight pussy and a feminine girl.

You are not Asian. Guaranteed.

You are American, I can tell.

Brown girls also like white guys. Literally had my coworker tell me she thinks white guys are cute

>Literally had my coworker tell me she thinks white guys are cute
Latina wifey here, she's told me she's so happy to have cute white husband.

Maybe they just don't want you

Girls only want OP to grow some balls and own himself, start grabbing pussy and live life like the ruler of the Universe.

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very based

Its just like any other race, they prefer their own, whites with whites, asians with asians blacks with blacks, contrary to what alternate agenda anyone wants to push, its typically less than 2-3% that cross the lines from the charts I've seen. People tend to stick with their own.

Sounds like to me she has a double standard.
>boy do I love white boys, do you wanna hear how much I love white cock?
>but if I hear white boys talk about Asian girls than they're assholes

It's mental gymnastics. Her cunt loves white dick but she's trying to rationalize around it. In reality she probably creams herself thinking about white dick.

round eye > squinty slant eye

the cope is strong with this one
TIL there are no asians in the US.

Asian chicks want white dudes for upward mobility ESP if the white dude is moneyed and well connected. Also, white dudes dont have the beta traits of asian dudes and also dont have the expectations of asian dudes have with their girls.

White dudes are basically a lesser of two evils way to rebel agains traditional family expectations.

That's not to say they wont fuck a black dude to piss off their parents.

If an asian chick still ends up with an asian dude after dating (and fucking) black and white dudes, this just means that the asian dude is rich, well connected, or she "need" familiarity (probably got fetishsized by white dudes too much) for "stability."

Because yellowbois can't compete

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>That's not to say they wont fuck a black dude to piss off their parents.
I have never seen an asian girl with a black guy outside of porn. I agree with pretty much else though.

colonial mindset

Im white and actually like asian girls

It's okay to think it just don't say it is what she's saying

I have no money but Asian girls love me
What they love:
>my dick
>broad shoulders, expressive smile
>Big arms
>alpha male
One girl who only dates rich asians practically creams her panties around me when we're drunk. Things like "my god you are so big" and squeezes my arm or something
granted I am built fat with now 18" arms but that isn't huge, in college they were 20" and that is big.
Got to get that chick when she is single so we can have a MFF with my GF