Essential workers of the new Coronavirus economy, what is your profession?

Essential workers of the new Coronavirus economy, what is your profession?

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I'm a muthar fuckn Walmart employee goddamn it!

DoD contractor, assorted civilian stuff.

Parts warehouse picker

Non-essential fag here. What kind of work do you do?

Auto mechanic


Sous chef at Wendy's

I'm a landlord. I have roughly 30 tenants, none of which have essential jobs.

I'm not suspending rent for any of them ;^]



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Pepsi merchandiser


Thought that was supposed to be a tp samurai

Walmarts are gonna be FEMA camps lol!

I work in the Tech department of a drug store

Industrial-robot programmer.

I work at the second largest direct non bank lender in the nation

crane operator. busy as shit

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drug dealing and subverting laws

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Engineer at a medical device company.

You get like 180days on mortgage deferments for those, unless you own all 30 outright, which few real estate investors aren't leveraged. A lot of the tenants are going to go full blown Bernie Bro and cause damages that your property insurance won't cover.

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Police officer in a mid size city, will be posting an AMA thread with proof later today.

Restaurant-type stuff. Basic. All militaries in the world use civilian contractors (possibly inspired by the novel "Starship Troopers", which heavily advocated their usage to free up troops to do their duty).

security at a food store

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I picked it out because it was the most striking Samurai image I could find on short notice. But that is a funny interpretation of it.

Have they tested you yet? I’ve heard the military and associated personnel get tested more.

I work at Target in the electronics section. We're still out of Nintendo Switches you faggots.

Am number 4 prostitute

I can't comment on that. But it is a fun job, once you get used to it.


Hvac technician

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This isn’t reddit no one wants an AMA from some soon to bed dead pig

District Technician. Kind of an adjunct to the gas industry. Drive around the UK taking samples making sure the biomethane is still runnin' and the gas is properly odourized, etc. without me your baby turns blue in the night or your house explodes when you light a fag.

That's just the way I cope with being a glorified industrial-scale fart-sniffer. I like the actual job, though. Kind of a blue collar scientist.

On my way to Scunthorpe tomorrow. Keepin' ya safe.

Something I've learned on the job: brit gays carry power tools to drill holes in random gas station bathrooms. every now and again your shit cubicle will have steel reinforced walls for some reason.

That reason being cocklust.

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Are you that nigger from last night who blacked out your badge etc. and told other emergency responders to do the same in the thread? Because that thread sucked

The Gas station man


Ambulance dispatch

I work at an Autozone warehouse, and despite my love of having money, I've been exceptionally disappointed that I didn't get a free vacation

Amazon delivery. Whaddup

Yep, it was posted during a shitty time but this one will be better. Also, don’t call me a nigger...I’m white.

psych nurse

I sell weed now, 200 bucks a day, shits easy and fairly low risk

Correctional officer here, putting in 72 hours a week

Respiratory Therapist. I'm the guy that runs the ventilators everyone is so excited about