Ask a voice actor anything

Ask a voice actor anything

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Why is gravity?

nobody cares dipshit

How duse one become a voice actor

Is this wreck it Ralph


what does your voice act like ?

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Auditions. It's pretty embarrassing but now that i have a resume i dont have to do shitmlabor jobs.

is an octopus really an eight sided cat ?

Also are you Dana Snyder or Dave Willis. I could see those guys lurking

No, close tho. I'd just like to say that John c. Reilly is a bro.

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Yeah never see auditions here am in the wrong place for that.

Do you work for Williams Street?
also if we can guess who you are will you timestamp verify

Alright, real question. How many voices can you do and how many voices do you think would a voice actor would have to be able to do in an audition to show range?


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I'll give you that I was in magnolia and John was brilliant along with being cool.

No fucking way you're patton oswalt. I'll shit my pants

I did spongebob tier shit along with BBC type planet earth. It's about building a resume within your niche. That being said, get an accounting degree. A life in entertainment is dark. Just live a normal life.

Shut up faggot, name one thing you've been in with proof or go suck a dick

Kys if you quote ownagepranks

Lol no, he's too busy with the golden state killer

Why is there no voice sample in this thread yet?

wat da fuk your probrem? i fuk your ass, muda fakka.

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Are you the ghost of Philip Seymour Hoffman?

Holy shit, Philip Seymour Hoffman?...
I didn't even know you did voice acting. Where have you been the last couple years?

Oh sure, I'm not nearly good enough to work in showbusiness, and I'm way to dumb to get a degree. Just thought I'd ask something I've wondered about when I had the chance. Best of luck Yas Forumsro!

No! Like I said, I was supporting. I'll just say that everyone thought heather Graham was beautiful and everyone wanted to fuck her.

Heather Graham wasn't in Magnolia.

She was in boogie nights, which I got work on

Fuck. There are a lot of people who were in both of those.

ever had sex with a loli?

You're telling me. I was lucky to be there.

U N2 hollywood occultism?

No. He's a curly-headed fuck!