Did you see this idiot yesterday?

Did you see this idiot yesterday?
Ranting and raving about his power and his enemies like a child. 3 years in office and he still has no idea what a president is or what his powers are. He still has not read the constitution or does not understand it.
What a fucking moron. Get him out of the white house now.

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but he is doing such a good job stopping the flu.

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Yes, this asshole is finished, he has fucked up too many times. no more excuses.

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he is a dumbass bullshiter, its from being in realestate for his whole like just like a used car salesmen realestate agents are just professional bullshitters trying to get people to buy something, its all he knows what to do is blather bullshit, now that he is in a position of power he is totally clueless, a lost puppy

Rotating IPs and responding to yourself is still samefaggin, OP.

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Still YOUR President, Still Will BE YOUR President for 4 MORE YEARS


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Go back to /pol we don’t discuss politics here. Only hotties and thotties and maybe some lolles. Get out of here now stop posting in the thread, trump is killing my boner


Op, take your samefag political bullshit back to your tard cage.

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Hey remember when george w bush was the worst thing that could have happend?

Makes you think how worse it may look in 20 years from now..

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> implying anybody who hasn’t noticed this shit is going to notice it now.

Go home samefag

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>get him out the white house now
>dems just made joe Biden his nominee

Don’t worry, you only got 5 more years of Trump. You’ll survive

Unless you're one of the thousands of people who contract covid.

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Well hello Jew Soros schilling machine where have you fags been? Choking on your jew masters hairy dic no doubt! Glad to see you fags are not dead. Yet!!!

Can’t wait for fall when he loses the election by 40 pts and you go back to whatever cave you crawled out of

Ha Ha! Trump has already informed us that any woman making accusations of sexual assault is lying.


They will all be clean

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Not the worst president anymore.

But he did prove - along with Trump - that tax cuts for the wealthy collapse the economy.

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No, but I see you here everyday ranting and raving about anything and everything.

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I like how the fat retard said the states are responsible for themselves and that he, the president has no authority over the states lol. What a pathetic moron

Fuck off asshole.

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Man I remember when we had a king too.. He was OUR king. Doesn't matter that we didn't like him he was OUR King... Until we did something about that. Blind loyalty to a title is some room temp IQ shit.

made ya crazy didn't it?

>i like how you bait,it's like you know you're completely wrong but you don't care at all

make me turdlicker, did you wash your hair for rapey ol' biden? you know he likes his smellies clean

No, trump supporters are crazy and STUPID!

What the fuck are you on about? Our king?

not as stupid as those bots they got out there starting sad cringey hate trump threads amirite?
god those NPC's are so sad and pathetic

God what a moron, your mommy is calling you 12 year old asshole.

> trumpcuck degenerate might be retarded, but hey he can greentext. Good job trumpcuck

I like how the fat retard actually said something actually accurate and you’re such a dumb shit you didn’t realize it.

He’s an orange retard

You’re an example of a dumb shit retard sheeperson

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wow, what a little bitch, does your mommy know you're on an adult website?
reported for underage, enjoy your ban retard, have fun on the losing side of history