Presenting the biggest fucktard on the Internets, every day morning till night. Think about that - every fucking day from early morning to late evening. What type of person does this other than a total loser?
Ayden Smith
>replying to and bumping 100% of these threads while claiming to hate them whew lad
Why are you here every fucking day with the same lameass shit? Are you that fucked up that you can't put this down for even a day? Seriously, you're one messed up cunt.
Better control yourself, you have to be here for at least 10 more hours.
Blake Brown
>implying this is better than coomer threads Trying to put out fire with fire
Angel Williams
>ass shit I tried one day in 2018 to not logpost and I went into Delerium Shittins- started hallucinating andy sixx all over the walls shitting on my floor so I tried to eat the floor tiles. Had to be hospitalized with an ipad and 2 logposts an hour for a week plus an IV loginol drip. Jamaican me logpost mon!