This is treasonous. States rights are states rights.
This is not what the Republican party stands for. I am appalled and saddened that this is who represents my party right now.
This is treasonous. States rights are states rights.
This is not what the Republican party stands for. I am appalled and saddened that this is who represents my party right now.
esxept that's wrong
He's literally just trying to troll those libs, looks like he got one so far, (you)
Since when have the republicans supported states rights? they only support states rights when they agree with them.
Same with the Fucking Dems
>just trying to troll those libs
He was elected to be a leader and serve the constitution, not your personal comedian you degenerate fuck.
Nah. This one isn't about putinsucking.
It's megalomania, narcissism, completely ignorant of the basics of federalism. Deliciously, it's like to piss off the hardcore secretly-want-to-repeal-the-13th-amendment southern pols whose progenitors relied on states rights to prop up slavery
I voted for him to troll libs and he's done a great job so far.
>This is not what the Republican party stands for. I am appalled and saddened that this is who represents my party right now.
Liar. Total and complete bullshit. You're not a republican, you're just using a different tactic to attack Trump. You are a fucking cringy douchebag
Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette
i think hes doing pretty good lol. will be voting for him again and hopefully more of his family in the future.
So what the states is fucked anyways
It's good to NOT be American these days. You guys are fucked, but hey your 2nd ammendment is really cool, makes your school safe and stops from the government getting corrupt. Lol.
Not my king
Raise your hand if you’re not a shill
Not to say having a lower life expenctancy than Chile or Costa Rica. Because welfare is socialism and socialism is bad
nice bait libtard
You just can't handle having a king, you are too weak to handle it. Praise lord trump!
>This is not what the Republican party stands for.
It has been this way since Reagan. How old are you?
Michigan is fucked because of the whore governor
America is fucked because of the whore president
>I voted for him to troll libs and he's done a great job so far.
And this tells you everything you need to know about who voted for Trump, who continues to defend him, and why.
trump botched this one. so republicans can cheer him on for doing nothing of merit as usual. instead more people died and more people are unemployed because he can't do anything right. voted for him last time, not this time.
I'm more dying of laughter at the mainstream media that took this huge fuck-up and STILL lied in their articles saying he declared himself king and the ultimate authority. Fucking sad that they still choose to lie even when they really have no reason to aside from clicks.
oh no, it's retarded, he thinks the southern states wanted slavery when more northern states had slaves during the civil war
he doesn't realize all the moves to abolish slavery during the civil war was in an effort to weaken the south, hence why the laws only applied to the southern states at the time
please draw and write more on this chart, I can still read some of the information
Op, why do you start multiple threads each morning crying like a lil bitch? Keep your retarded Yas Forums shit on your containment board, faggot.
i can't help you if you are illiterate and have rekt attention span.
You have enough time to be sad and cry. But that's not what real Americans do. We will deal with whatever there is. We pick ourselves up off the floor and deal with it. Why?? Because that's what we always do. Americans don't stay down. We rise up together in times of crisis. We carry on! Is that clear, fagg*t?
Putting marijuana on the same ballot with this bitch was the nail in the coffin. Nobody even thought twice about voting her ass in with legal pot dangling in the mix.
>still higher than obama
>nearly on the same vector
HAHAHAHAH and that was with it taking a dump due to a global pandemic that couldn't be prevented
Well that plus schuette was advocating against legalization