Guys that get hit on in person what do y’all look like ?

Guys that get hit on in person what do y’all look like ?

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5'8 but I look young so older women tend to hit on me. Worked in a racecourse and had women pinching my ass and grabbing me during ladies night

I don't consider myself good looking at all, but I'm confident and been in relationships since I was 16. I'm 21 now. Something seems to work I suppose, because I haven't been single for more than a month. I have had 4 Girlfriends by now and I prefer relationships over hook ups (never tried out Dating apps)

>Blue eyes
>deep voice
>autistic personality
>I know how to be empathic / socialise, still I feel like a sociopath sometimes
>I'm friendly and I can make a girl laugh, which is important I guess
>No significant facial features

I’m 6’2 and young and older women don’t hit on me. You must be very good looking

Does it count if guys hit on me

But do you get hit on in public by girls?

Autism isn't a personality, it's a disability

Average but can grow normal facial hair and have proper hygiene

Hispanic / Native American / White
8/10 dressed
4/10 with shirt off
A reasonable sense of style

I even get hit on when I am out with my girlfriend.

What do the girls say? You must have a good looking face cause your height isn’t that great and just style wouldn’t be enough for a girl to go out of their way and hit on you

Lol that’s not enough for a girl to hit on you in public cmon


Being out with your girl will increase your chances of being hit on. You look more desirable.

That's what they hope people believe instead of them just being selfish empathically devoid assholes. If any of them made their life project "learning" how to be socially decent instead of their stupid hobbies I guarantee you they would all succeed. You think kids were just ALLOWED to cry for 4 hours straight when they weren't comfy in the 1940's? In 3 generations 2% of the population now has this shit?

5'7 bodybuilder type. I get hit on more by gays in real life and girls online. I got decent looks but my charisma and social skills lacks some points.

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Just stupid small talk shit. I never really catch the "body language" part of it. My girlfriend or friends I'm out with always point out after the fact and say something like "damn that girl wanted you badly you didn't notice?". I am absolutely retarded when it comes to girls.

Some specific openers would be:
"Hey, I think I've seen you here before."
"Don't I know you from somewhere?"
"Wow, your hair is great! Can I feel it?"
"That's a really cool [article of clothing]"
I have this old beat-up pair of work boots chicks seem to dig for whatever reason. I keep them hydrated with wax so maybe that adds to it?

idk it still confuses me

Yeah women are not into bodybuilding as much as other guys are.

6 foot tall and 200lbs, wide shoulders. I like to eat so usually no abs but I lift every other day and run every morning. I’m clean shaven and style my hair messy, and get it cut in some kind of fade/undercut usually (thankfully it’s very thick too). I’ve got those southern Slav genes so dark haired and somewhat young looking for age. Crazy unibrow, full lips and largish aquiline nose. Jaw isn’t particularly strong, bit of an underbite. Dressing nice and not like a slob helps. Pretty autistic though, and broke so I’ve only had a couple short term gfs and no other partners.

Had multiple girlfriends in high-school and all asked me out:

- they would take pictures of me (I would only discover them later when we got to know each other)
- first to write letters/texts to me
- they stare at you (look at you differently)
- conversations can be seemingly mundane but they enjoy it anyways
- Girls I've never met would leave the group at pool parties just to hang with me for a few hours
- Said girls apparently talked about my jawline?

My school had a kpop phase, and I'm mixed but I didn't dress like shit and was in decent shape so that'll give you enough of an idea of what I look like. I also hate korean pop culture.

I don't get hit on so much as baited for the sake of experimentation. Probably because I look like shit.

That reminds me: a good litmus test for how good looking you are is whether you've been hit on by gays (this surprised me at first but it makes sense)

I get hit on by gays a lot. But I can’t remember the last time I’ve been hit on by a girl in public since high school. Stares yes but no girls coming up to me and saying something

Same, I got hit on a decent amount in High school but never now a days and it’s only been like 3 years and I still look the same so idk

What do they say to you

Yea like I said your face is prob good looking all I get are stares

I tend to think I have a restless 'don't bother me face' and girls tend to just see lack of confidence lol. They can't see this online.

5'7" shaved head, tattoos, dress for the most part in Jean's and t-shirt. I have enough good looks to get approached but, it's my personality that seals the deal my b/ros. I just be myself and talk to the women. Don't put that pussy on a pedestal.

Smile more. Project good vibes, be approachable, confidence no matter what and damn it, believe in yourself.

Yeah I was the kid grown up abused and then joined the military and got some mental health issues. I've been working on it a lot lately though.

Goddamn user, you’re cut! Keep flexin and them hoes will wobble.

Probably because the game changes. Past HS you won't see the same person more than twice if you're lucky.

Thanks fam

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6’2, 180, well in shape, good jawline, dirty-blonde hair, nice facial features and sexy hazel fricken eyes bro, 6 tattoos, good style, and you gotta smell good

I can honestly sympathize. I'm ex Army and I struggle also with things. You have to get out of your head and know what you want. You can and will find a woman if you choose to. There isn't any magic words or actions that will capture a woman. You be you and open to putting yourself out there. You have nothing to lose and much to gain. Believe in yourself and good things happen my b/ro. I believe in you.

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women don't see you as a man.

well good thing the average woman height is 5'4 in the US.

Add on top, girls can't measure.

why you have jawline in such a high place?

I'm 6"5, 200lbs and blonde which really helps, having (or portraying) confidence without being a dick is everything though

I get by.

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