Based and jasiripilled!

based and jasiripilled!

Attached: majestic Jasiri.jpg (900x833, 55.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How're you going JP? been a while.

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oh hey dude, saw that you were looking for me, sent a message to you in a thread you posted on your board, i did make threads all these days, but as i was doing other things i always made them really late when you were asleep, i'm good, been working most of these days, got 2 days off due to holiday right now, besides that not much is new, mostly been playing six siege with J, how about you?
nice pic, got it aswell from the impostor thread

Attached: kion and jasiri pride rock -o.jpg (300x168, 7.61K)

I was the imposter threads, I was making them to get back in contact with you lot since I'd not seen the threads in days, something like a week.
you posted in the trash thread?
I must have missed it I'll check our archive sometime.

How's j going?

i'm fine, did an exam today going to do an assignment tomorrow. sooner it's done the better.

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>I was the imposter threads
i've only managed to spot one, you saying that was you?
>you posted in the trash thread?
I must have missed it I'll check our archive sometime.
yeah i did, towards the end of it
>How's j going?
from what i can tell he's doing fairly well, we planned on playing in an hour from now
>i'm fine, did an exam today going to do an assignment tomorrow. sooner it's done the better.
definitely, that's how i like doing it, clearing up all my schedule ahead of time so i know i'm free for the next few days

got to do something for like 20 minutes, i'll talk to you when i'm back if you're still here

Attached: jasiri and kion alternative art -o.jpg (473x279, 18.07K)

yesterday and the day before I made threads. so it was probably me, yes, if these are the images you saw me posting.

>towards the end
I went to bed pretty soon after z posted. I'll ask Smokey for the archive, what was it you said?

Ok, I'll be here.

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This all makes sense now, I was so confused with JP posting in the /trash/ thread, I was thinking, what the hell, everyone's been here but me? Now it makes sense.

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I thought I made it clear I was Raptor

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>agricultural soil
and there seemed to be several grins underground

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pretty sure I even said I was raptor

Attached: _twwm__a_walk_in_the_woods__chapter_3_by_ryuukishin-dbu0a11.jpg (700x900, 463.1K)

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Lol you guys are fucking faggots.

Yeah you did, I got that part. JP posted on the trash thread later and so I thought he'd be on those threads all along as well, which would've suprised me, since he had never mentioned it. Now it makes sense that he had only followed the link you posted to try and get ahold of you there.

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yeah unfortunately I'd gone to bed by then

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lil bitch, this shit doesn't need your bump

Here's the archive, and JP's post.

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Attached: __esk_secret_santa___266_by_zoomutt-dbxz4kp.png (950x462, 837.57K)

oh that's cool, thanks for continuing the legacy, only managed to see one, i'm using find.Yas but it appears to be not as accurate as i can't find the first one
>I went to bed pretty soon after z posted. I'll ask Smokey for the archive, what was it you said
here's the archive
what i said was
hey raptie, don't know if you see this but i'm aight man
i make threads everyday but sometimes i make them really late, so they aren't too noticeable

This all makes sense now, I was so confused with JP posting in the /trash/ thread, I was thinking, what the hell, everyone's been here but me? Now it makes sense.
haha the only reason i found the thread is because Jasiri was mentioned, and then i saw it was raptormang
what's up with you zboy
nice sword
>JP posted on the trash thread later and so I thought he'd be on those threads all along as well,
i don't really frequent too many other boards, occasionally i go on /wsg/,/gif/,/diy/,Yas Forums and /g/
i need to try and expand my boards though, i'm sure i'll enjoy most of them

Attached: jasiri on kion -o.jpg (474x344, 22.57K)

beat me to it, thanks!

Attached: jasiri playing with kion -o.png (1000x554, 268.22K)

yeah it was provided already

I made two or three threads in total.

Attached: f531b7fe8e694c329b8e25e8cf464be7-dbptjrh.png (1000x707, 782.72K)

1."Val De Travers"
2."Une Correspondance"
3."La Fée Verte"
4."Fleurs Du Mal"
5."Artemisia Absinthium"
6."Notre Dame De L'oubli (For Olivier Messiaen)"
7."Verlaine: Part I: Un Midi Moins Dix"
8."Verlaine: Part II: La Bleue"
9."...Rend Fou"

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awesome, i'll search up for them later, i enjoy reading em
i think the 3rd should be in the first spot, i cried when it was over, it was that good

be back in a few

Attached: jasiri and janja a new way to go -o.jpg (467x350, 19.66K)

I only use Yas Forums anymore. You can see my talk of using other boards in the past on the /trash/ thread. Yas Forums keeps it moving, and I'm a little more accepted here than anywhere else, but still not really. Also if you aren't bothered by the gay, trap, bbc, and all that stuff, it's not bad. I'm not into any of that, but it doesn't bother me at all. Personally I find the nature of Yas Forums hilarious just how it is. I got to try something new at work yesterday, which is always interesting. It was difficult, and really a challenge to get everything done, but I barely managed to finish in time. I like learning and trying new things though, so no big complaints.

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I didn't say much in them, no one did.
two of them were just me

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gunna head to bed, night you lot

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See ya later

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ug, its either here, or g/fur to wake up this morning

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Always fun hearing what else people check out on here, I'm checking your dubs currently, in addition to reading this thread.