Kyle Larson's mic was on during an online racing game, and he said nigger. Oops

Kyle Larson's mic was on during an online racing game, and he said nigger. Oops.

What now? iRacing, Nascar and his team ditched him (without pay).

We live in a world where black people who did not endure slavery shout the word nigger on the radio, in songs, in series and in movies, but when a white-ish guy accidentally copies that, it's reason for international shaming and destroying his career he fought for since a kid?

GTFO what a bullshit.

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Bro i yell racist shit with black peoe around or not nobody says a thing, but when the media picks up on a lityle dirt on no matter who they'll bring him down to the ground, to get media attention to their platform

lol nigger

if you are a big cooperation and theres alot of media backlash on a person, it also affects the company name and brand, its all the medias fault, they are the poison in our society

Lol I mean there's literally only one word you need to not say to keep your job as a steamer... If you fuck that up you're basically retarded and deserve to lose everything. I can't tell you how easy it's been too not shout "Nigger" in public for the last 30 years.

There must be some clarity on the N word. Either use it all or not, but this is racism in the purest form since the effects are different based on which race you are.

One race promoting the word, others being slaughtered for copying that.

I guess if there was a sick bass beat playing with girls popping their asses it would be cool right?

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Wow you kids really want to say nigger don't you... Stay tilted.

If you listen to Hip hop a lot, perhaps have some black friends, then it becomes normal.

Ever heard Dutch people swear? For them it became normal to call people things like
cancerous prostitute, cancerous dog, typhus child, cancerous mongoloid. Even politicians have been caught saying these things.

Humans copy behavior. It's what we are, copying machines. So why punish something that is promoted all around us?


No, we should either all be fine to use it or we should all stop using it. This is fucking racist.

Never said I agree with the logical fallacies. Just saying the situation is very black and white with regards to streaming and company sponsorships.

You say nigger and you're sacked.

It's one word you can't say. It's really not that hard to avoid...


Cancel Culture is Cancer

I guess it is since this isn't the first "oopsie" some one made. Especially since he thought is mic was off. Not saying it was OK what he did, he shouldn't have said it. But the backlash is so fucking retarded. There are people who comitted murder who have a higher public opinion..

I grew up when tupac was still walking and had friends of many flavors, non of them said it, the word just wasn't a thing not really out of fear just it wasn't said. Now I see kids saying it like a noun, person place or thing it's sad

theres a difference between:




It is retarded but so is thinking your mic is off and deciding "Nigger" was the perfect test phrase.

Hopefully he manages to bounce back because it's just a word but I still cannot get over how funny it is. What a fucking spanner...

whatever excuses you muster, it's still a word born of hate and to normalize it literally makes the person who uses it a cuck

I think intention is the biggest difference. There was no bad intent here.

Then why are all these black people OK to say it?

like I said, it was normalized in music culture. They think using it empowers them but in reality it makes them look like fools

This exactly. It's like "There's a land mine buried right over there. It's been there for most of our lives and it's clearly marked with signs and surrounded by yellow tape that says "DANGER: DO NOT STEP HERE". No one can remove it and it never goes away. Just don't step there.

I'm just gonna go ahead and press the 'THIS BUTTON WILL FUCK UP YOUR REPUTATION' Button...

WTF Happened?! I only pressed one button?! This isn't fair!

Found your problem. Stop listening to hip hop and don't make friends with black people who say nigger all the time.


“accidentally copies”

most obvious troll ever gtfo

And when there's a lot of other people walking right there and nothing happens, what do you think will happen? Yup, people will ease off a bit.

You don't see what's wrong with those black people who say it all the time?

Not smart people. Only stupid people. The language you choose to use defines you. Who wants anything to do with niggers? Black people don't even like niggers. There are millions of things to call people that don't come with this kind of potential blow-back and more are being created every day. Leave "nigger" alone. Don't be a nigger.

Kind of like how Collin Kaepernick lost his career for saying police brutality is unacceptable?

Id rather have what we have than a fascist alternative

Chuck em to the moon

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For sure I do, but they don't have their careers cancelled because of it.

He didn't even call anyone nigger. He just said it as a random silly test-word.

Not saying that's the way to go. It's stupid. But the reaction to this is even more retarded. That's the point I'm trying to make here.

All he did was say NIGGERS ARE FAKE NEWS

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I can get fired for my customers being unwilling to take out loans on an impulse.. maybe the guy should go get a real job and you should lower your standard on what’s fair

Kaepernick got fucked by trumps bs..

Couldn’t care less, fuck off back to redd it with your social cause ya loser.

KaeperNIGGER had it comin

>Kaepernick got fucked by trumps bs..

No, Kaepernick got fucked by Kaepernick. Trump just helped like others put fuel on it.

He's a professional race car driver. That's a real job in my book.

Yeah, that’s right. If you’re white, you shouldn’t say that word. Try to get over it.

Honestly saying the word nigger shouldn't be a big deal. Its just a word like OP and Is and A and Faggot.

lol what a massive faggot! All he has to do is go fast and turn right and that is apparently so attention draining that the nigger can't flip an off switch! Next you'll tell his his insta got "hacked" and his nudes leaked, lol. And I'd have the same level of sympathy. If you're doing some shit - especially on fucking TV - you check and double check the mic button especially of you're too stupid to censor yourself in that situation. Did he happen to also try to help a Nigerian prince claim millions of dollars by fronting a few thousand to process the transfer from the bank? Rofl


Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger.

Fitting trips.