Hi Yas Forums I made bread

Hi Yas Forums I made bread.
Do you want to stick your dick in it?

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Only if you shit inside of it, then I wanna eat it

Cut off a slice and put some nice cheese and cured meats on it you slut.

i see you followed /ck nice job user :)

Don't tell me what to do niggerfaggot. Come suck my cock

I'm gluten free, sorry

Learn How to form bread, you idiot

Who’s making lsd? Oops

Show me what u got inside.
You used baker's yeast (noob's choice) or sour dough (like a pro)

Can you niggers stop coating the outside in dry flour for one fucking loaf?
That shit is done by insta whores to enhance constrast and does fuck all for quality.

Dis bread look like a turd yo


Ehh I don’t like it dry. I mean there is a pleasant roundness, but looks awfully dedicated on the exterior crust. Now milk bread on the other hand...

Me too, go fuck yourself OP, this guy is sucking MY dick

Tell me that is sourdough. I have a starter that I started 7 years ago. Fuck you, I'm middle class.

Likewise get on your knees or you're getting your daily value of salami!

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Cut it open

Then seal it shut

I'm okay with this if pics are taken

if you had scored the bread properly, you wouldnt have that crack in the center, faggot.

I told you to post it to /g/.
Suck my dick
Here you go. I used sourdough starter.
When you leave the bread in a forming bowl overnight in the fridge you have to have enough flour to prevent the bread from sticking. It has nothing to do with contrast or instagram. I could have brushed it off but it doesn't affect the taste much and I don't have a brush.
Nobody cares. It's not that hard to make bread.
It looked dry to me too but this is the best of the lot so far. It's amazing inside.
The crack is there because I wanted to hear the crunch so I crunched it. I also wanted to see how burnt it was. I forgot to decrease the temperature mid-cooking after I removed the lid.

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Here's a slice.

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No. Fucking artisan faggotry.

Yep. That's bread alright. Good work.

no, i rather stick my dick up your butt


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Hä, de Milan.... Verwötscht!

Huhu s chasch nor du si lmao

>The crack is there because I wanted to hear the crunch so I crunched it. I also wanted to see how burnt it was
No the crack is there because you're retarded
> decrease the temperature mid-cooking
Why would you decrease temperature? You should have a "wet" portion and a "dry" portion of baking.

>No the crack is there because you're retarded
No, the crack wasn't there when it came out of the oven. I cracked it after taking it out.
>Why would you decrease temperature? You should have a "wet" portion and a "dry" portion of baking.
I cook in a dutch oven. 260°C for 20 minutes with the lid on, this lets steam build up in the dutch oven and this forms the "wet" portion.
The recipe I follow then calls for the removal of the lid (for the dry portion) and the reduction of the temperature to 230°C then baking for 20 more minutes.
This time I didn't reduce the temperature and the crust ended up a bit more brown than normal and almost looked burnt.
You are correct that my scoring could do some work but this is not bad in my opinion. The scoring wasn't the problem today.

>I cook in a dutch oven
You're trying to convince me you're not retarded, yet you are using a dutch oven for sourdough. You're just trolling at this point, right?

>You're trying to convince me you're not retarded, yet you are using a dutch oven for sourdough. You're just trolling at this point, right?
I'm sorry senpai, I can't afford a bakery to cook my sourdough in. Please don't be mad.

Dude. I bake mine in a Dutch oven too. Shit comes out so good. I don't reduce temperature though. I spent an entire Saturday making bread for my in laws because they all showed interest and said they wanted some so fucking badly. Yeah, guess who still has a shit ton of bread in the freezer?

>I can't afford a bakery to cook my sourdough in
you can afford an oven stone, a spray bottle and some tap water right?

Fuck that’s sexy. Moar