Anyone else addicted to coke?

Anyone else addicted to coke?

It always ends badly for me...inflamed sinuses, nasal congestion, insomnia, and when I finally fall asleep I have vivid nightmares.

Yet I keep doing it again. As someone who smoked weed every day for 10 years, I didn't understand addiction until now.

Figured it wouldn't hurt to talk about it with other cokeheads.

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i do it like once a month because im broke and most of my friends are broke. we split a gram or two in one night then we are done till someone gets paid again and wants to do it.

i wish i could afford to do so much cocaine that i develop a habit.

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Struggling with the same thing rn and idek why. Maybe it’s the quarantine and I think alcohol is my biggest trigger for it. I’ve been just getting it and inviting some random thot over, feel shitty the next day, etc.

I used to do coke and speed, but I stopped because of the same reason. My anxiety was extreme, I wanted to kill myself. You should stop, user. Ain't worth.

Never understood the fascination with coke. Does very little for me other than make my teeth feel like they're about to fall out.

Here yeah my come down is so bad I have to smoke weed or I’m up late some nights I don’t end up with a girl and just watch podcasts, avoid all my friends and they’re noticing, I honestly don’t get it.

What the fuck does your third paragraph mean?

OP here. I definitely don't make enough to justify my habit. Enough to pay for it and still pay my bills, but the coke money could go into savings or a retirement fund or something. and the economy might tank and I'll be wishing I hadn't blown so much money on drugs.

Lmao, just buy meth.

You all are just doing it wrong and doing too much of it in a night. You are supposed to drink, and do a few key bumps here and there. People make the mistake of doing fucking line after line all night, and thats how you end up feeling like shit the next day. Less is more.

Yes I was until I was regularly up at 5am fucking questionable women with flamed up nostrils and then hating myself full of anxiety and shame trying to fall asleep as the sun was rising and I laid next to someone that disgusted me.

Hey user you're doing coke wrong. You don't binge on coke lines one after another. Take a minute to relax, drink and enjoy the sunset then take a line. Slow down on it and you will enjoy it much more.

Best thing you can do is quit, trust me man, I know you're addicted but you'll get to the point where you'll start slowly sacrificing want you want most in life for come. Good luck

Ever heard of Shambhala music festival in Canada?

I was "addicted" to weed for a decade. It turns out what I considered an addiction was nothing compared to my coke addiction.

See Half Baked. The scene where Chapelle goes to an addicts anonymous meeting and Bob Saget has a cameo. It explains it better than I am.

Can't you just stop? I mean, it isn't a benzo or opiod. Withdrawal is mostly psychological.

Coke is shit.
Join 4mmc master race instead, you'll never want coke again

Weed addiction is probably the most cucked addiction, says a lot about you as an individual.

Exactly this guy is a retard, smoking hash long term had more withdrawal than my gigantic coke habit. The problem with coke is that it's very more ish the night you're doing it, after that it's not like you're withdrawing from it

Amy decent site to buy RC?

I could in theory. I've told myself I will plenty of times. But no luck.

The trigger is always feeling like I don't have it in me to get my work done (i work from home) and telling myself that coke is the answer. That's true sometimes but other times I'm no more productive than I'd be without it.

Case in point, I'm on Yas Forums when I should be working.

Sobriety was the best choice I made in my entire life. Once you eventually get sober you'll realize how much of life you're really missing out on and how badly you slowed down your progress and be filled with regret. Time gone you can never get back, who knows what this life is. Could be nothing, could be everything but you're willing to waste it away and make nothing of your potential without knowing? What a weak thing to do


>takes shitty, incredibly-overpriced meme drug that's 80% dishwashing powder
>is surprised that he ends up broke, addicted and has nasal problems
if you want energy just chug 3 redbulls, you'll feel about the same.
with drugs in general, stick to weed and shrooms. everything else is shit and will eventually kill you.

I'm 44 and I've got a 24 yo girl hooked on coke, successfully conditioning her to come to me for supply in exchange for sex. It's a comfy arrangement, as I can basically text her that I'm holding and she'll turn up like clockwork.

I'm not looking for a relationship, so this arrangement suits my needs. I don't use it myself, because I've met enough cokeheads to know to steer clear, but I have no qualms using it to get what I want.

Does that make me a john? Probably, but I like the power balance.

Pic related, it's her texting her boyfriend that she's working late.

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You’re a scumbag, which is even more tragic at your age. But she’s just as bad. Maybe you should marry her.

eh, a lot of marriages and relationships basically boil down to the man paying for sex. Lots of women are prostitutes in denial.

Na man weed is the most boring shit ever coke is a close second tho.
Try a candyflip 200mq to 130mg with a 2cb-ket 30/60 mg chaser half way through and do some meditation. Instant Buddha level enlightenment.

One of the more honest and healthy relationships I've seen.
Good on you both

Spoken like someone who hasn't been redpilled up the ass by life and a naive approach to women in their youth.

True dat. You wine and dine her, buy her presents, a nice house that she really likes, spend lavish amounts of money on holidays and shopping with her and generally have to make up for the disparity between her feeling of entitlement and her own lack of income. So why not skip the bullshit and have coke-fueled anything-goes-fuck-me-harder-daddy rotten sex with a real freak instead of begging your wife for some half-hearted handjob because she's "not feeling like it right now"?

Different user here, I was smoking £20 - £40 a day of weed, when I didn’t have it all I thought about was it and how happy I would be, I got feelings of excitement and joy thinking about it and nothing else brought me joy. It was like the rainbow of weed against the black and white footage of WW2 of the rest of my life. If that makes sense?

Cheers mate, and may you have all the sweet poon-tang you want.

Man! I used to do it w/friends but I never cold look for it. I don't even know how to ask. I do like it so though..

You’re coping. People like you are scum bags.

Thanks and I do

When I do into always get three painful things in my nostrils that sometimes come out at sore spots on the outside of my nose.

OP here. I blow bloody boogers out of my nose for days after a binge. Another aspect that should drive me to stop.

If you care about your mental/physical health stop that shit right now. I wasn't able to have a normal life because my hangovers were the worst, and they are cumulative (the bad effects of a hangover low key last for weeks).

I stopped drinking alltogether because that was my gateway (getting drunk enough to want some lines). Also helped me quit smoking.

Now I only drink on special occasions like halloween, new year's, etc.

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