Told my girlfriend about my sissy fetish a couple months ago...

Told my girlfriend about my sissy fetish a couple months ago. She got really into it and we bought a ton of toys and lingerie.

I've been locked up for over a month and only can only cum from riding a dildo for her.

Now shes been talking about getting fucked by a real man and downloaded tinder. She asked if she could fuck other guys since I could never please her.

Is it too late to just stop this?

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Terribly larp, gtfo

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Skype or discord ?

so you're gay.

mind as well just break up with her then and find yourself a daddy dom.

I've been with a few guys as a sissy before, but I don't think I'm totally gay.

I would love a dom daddy to put me in my place once and for all, but I also like having a girlfriend.

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ask her to fist you and tou will never go back.

Don't think I'm ready for that.

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grow some balls and make sure u have some bass in your voice say "BITCH im not fully gay quit stuntin on me. get in the bedroom strip and point that pussy up ill be in there in five minutes to beat that booty like a caveman."

say this verbatim and post the response.


dude, what the fuck lol

break up and reevaluate your decisions, find a new partner who is less of a piece of shit

Theres just no way but the more lics i see the more i believe, broski listen to me if i were you, i would never in my life make a pic with your normal face in it

i thought the same thing posting his whole face made up exposed like that yikes. i buried everything gay related i never posted my crossdressing pic with face and any of my gay cruising exploits my bisexual side is nonexsistant that shit is way down buried in the psyche

I do love her and she's not a bad person. I just never expected it to go this far, this quickly.

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Bro you are totally gay...

hang yourself cuck

>I've been with a few guys
>I would love a dom daddy to put me in my place once and for all
>but I don't think I'm totally gay
do you even read? you are gay, nothing wrong with that since i love to fuck traps and cross but don't lie to yourself like that

rip relationship

Let her fuck real men. You should do the same!!

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Nope, you cucked yourself retard, have fun being a fag!

Might as well get neutered faggot. Too late now. you did this to yourself.

Hey OP, don't worry. They'll give you nice kids that you'll raise with your average salaryman wage.

You need to jump ship faggot, too far gone nigger

Don't leave her, she sounds like a dream gf.
If things go too fast, then ask her to slow down. She'll listen to you. Also maybe get a safeword if you don't have one yet.

I appreciate the advice!

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You gotta let her try a real man’s cock

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You should both get to share the same cock and cum.

By her a strap on and get it all out, she sounds like a keeper

Just find a guy that'll fuck both of you