How can whitebois compete?
How can whitebois compete?
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Aw, did you get lonely in /pol? Come here to share your black cock collection with us?
so many reasons, but how about not living in a grass hut.....or in your case a kibbutz full of kikes
Seriously, what woman would pick a monkey over this?
We are white
We have brains
By doing other shit instead of posting this same goddamn thread 17 times a week.
More like 17 times a day but point taken.
We can't. We all should just kill ourselves. Look at how big this guy's bbc is!
Well, white have
>Higher IQ
>Lower crime rates
>A father figure
>The ability to think in complete sentences (only sentences black complete are prison sentences)
>Better overall lifestyle
>Better hygiene
>Better opportunities
>Less drug use
So, you tell me Mr. Negro, how can you compete?
>less drug use
Nah man drugs are sweet
cope wh*teboi
Why'd we have to choose niggers with the biggest dicks when building this country
Seething shrimp dick whiteboi false flagging to discredit the BBC movement
You are not fooling anyone
How original! Can't say I've never heard that before. Anyways, leftist hapa cuckold hands made this thread. Yawn..
Haha, I'm neither a leftist, nor a hapa, nor a cuckold. But you carry on believing that if it helps you sleep at night. Meanwhile BLACK men are breeding wh*teoid females.
how can niggers compete in the workplace
Everytime a black guy goes white makes it easier for us white guys to breed out the black race
With superior intelligence and money.
white boi here.... i officially surrender, i bow down to the black master way to compete so i aint even gonna bother!
By not needing fake penises and poor quality image editing
dont you mean how can blackboys compete? Most women think they are hiddeous.
Yet they still fuck them. Because they know they're superior.
You dont really believe this do you. also nice collection of black dick you have faggot lol. imagine how many hours you have spent looking for black dick, how pathetic.
Easy: got a home, got money, got a gf, got a job, got insurance.
It isn't exactly hard to find, because it's so common. Most girls I know prefer bbc
>you only get attention because of your big dig
>you only get respect for your big dick
That is kinda a sad life. What does this differ from being a slave?
i love racist threads