I think long term quarantine isolation is actually worse for your health than COVID-19
We can die of other diseases besides the 'vid19
I think long term quarantine isolation is actually worse for your health than COVID-19
We can die of other diseases besides the 'vid19
Other urls found in this thread:
COVID-19 is a SARS vaccine project gone wrong.
awesome thanks brah
Thanks user, you gave me cancer
No matter what, it's true that the chinks caused it
Have you considered the possibility that someone without a degree in virology can still conduct research?
you get back to work then.....i like the way things are going & idgaf if its lights out
I do not dispute that. Noone does. Those bullshit theories from idiots who don't know shit are aidscancer though. "I used wikipedia and my genius brain so I came up with THE TRUTH" - fuck you.
We’re going to die of cancer from these shitty COVID threads if people keep posting them
Have you considered the fact that thousands of people WITH a degree in virology all over the globe are researching the shit out of this motherfucker and NONE of them thinks this to be a failed vaccacine projekt?
Did you actually watch the video? The title is clickbaity but Wikipedia is not sourced once in the entire video.
We’re not restarting the economy just so you can get re-elected, Donald.
The very first source he uses is wikipedia.
We're also not going to unnecessarily keep it shut down until November just to blame him for the bad economy, faggot peice of shit mother fucker.
The people who could blow the whistle on such a thing (Chinese virologists) are being censored left right and centre and the idea that this emerged in a seafood market should not be questioned at all, despite the lack of evidence?
Dudes, this is Yas Forums nobody wants your intellectual crap here
Way to put Donald Trump’s re-election and the Dow Jones ahead of public safety.
The next slide is the actual source, American Society of Microbiology
Everyone would LOVE to pin this on china - especially Donald "the chinese virus" Trump - and have someone to blame, but they just can't make that connection as of now.
Also the first SARS Virus was kinda the same story and as far as I know, noone could trace that one to a lab either.
Information isn’t commonly sourced directly from Wikipedia. You can cite information which is mentioned in Wikipedia articles from the original source of the information found within the articles. Unless this information was paraphrased in a wrong or misleading way, or the source of information was shit, it wouldn’t be stupid to make a reference to information found on Wikipedia.
This isn’t 2004. People can’t just openly edit Wiki pages to say whatever they want anymore.
There is no doubt that this is China’s fault, 53 days elapsed between the first confirmed case (01/12/19) until they locked down Wuhan international airport (23/01/20).
They fucked us, BADLY and so did the W.H.O with their negligence. It doesn’t matter if you like Trump or not, he was right about China. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
As for SARS, yes the question still remains, how did it infect so far away. But, with COVID-19 we have the virus already in Wuhan being tested in animals.
Coronavirus doesn't exist.
This whole crisis is just a way for our governments to close our borders without the socialists going "reeee". Unironically based but still cucked as fuck.
Garden. Garden. GARDEN.
I don't think so. Coronavirus is basically "Independence Day" come to life, but with us too stupid to team up.
Coronavirus doesn’t exist...
I start work next week
Nope, it's was the burgerfats. It's genetically engineered to kill the niggers. They released it in gookland so that they could blame them
I'm not American
I truly believe in the human immune system, cause it's an environment of it's own. Keep it healthy, and you will survive
I have previously agreed with your logic, because I still dont know anybody with the fuckin virus
but humans aren't that stupid
That's a theory too.
They should have included the Jews in the mix, let's hope they didn't forget the street shitters either
Up to 80% of cases are asymptomatic and the overwhelming majority getting it bad are old and sick (usually both). Th
I actually have ver little experience with jews
Just one of my antie's ex boyfriends was a jew from the states. He's a cool guy
So not really sure if you're just being edgy or if it's a real thing. Because I hate fob asians with a passion
Yes, I believe that
This virus is only bad for people with weak immune systems
let darwin play out. We live in changing times