Would you push a button that would kill all shitskins on earth?
Would you push a button that would kill all shitskins on earth?
is this a rhetorical question ?
>destroying cheapest labor force
>dumbest consumers
>with the same action
You deserve to go with them.
I'd wait for the button that killed all Jews, first. Shitskins and Muzzies suck, but not nearly as much as kikes do. Come at me, cunts.
Why would they want to to be black and not abo?
Just proving niggers are actually most racist peoples in the world.
No, I want to do it myself with my own hands
Does my heart good seeing that niggers can't spell. How can you try to plan an ethnic genocide when you can't spell at a 3rd grade level?
Hook me up with that anyone with double digit IQ scores button
Does that include spics and chinks? Cuz Im kinda fond of some of those.
No but if there was one for racist white suprematist, i would push it immediately
>white suprematist
no because i love toying my ass with thick dildoes and once i manage to get to terms with it id like to take a huge black dick up my ass
after that okay im fine with it
Gimme that fucking button!
If the button killed the zionists, the Morgans, Soros, Rockefeller, Oppenheimer, the Jesuits and all those other fuckers first, I'd push it billion times
>Push button
>It just kills all white people
>As a result, shitskins still die, just more slowly and more painfully
>With no one to subvert, jews will kill each other and imbreed themselves out of existence
>Then, white Jesus comes back and fuckin chills.
Faggot leftist cuck detected
Antisemitic Yas Forumsacks? Oh lordy gosh. Edgelords and larpers and shills pushing hate speech? On Yas Forums? Oh goodness me.
Internet tough guys and fetish nazis.
Good Goy.
Dumb gin can't spell.
Have all your herps turned to derps?
Honkie faggot.
I'd tape that button down.
only if i could fuck her blak ass first
this guy gets it
the end result of racial accelerationism would naturally be all-out slavery again probably
Do i have the option to just shot them in the face?
but unemployment rate gets halved
meh either way it's economically benificial
"No, seriously. I spent maybe an hour on this and they gave me an art degree."
absolutely lmao who wouldnt
clearly but id like to clarify that jews are top of the list
painting pictures of dots then realising dot to dot drawings are more interesting
The kikes have to go first, they’re the ones who keep making these lesser races believe that they’re anything.