Calls you a white supremacist

>calls you a white supremacist
>orders you to apologise while kissing her soles
What would you do?

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Say ‘fuck off you paki’ and walk off.

What's the story here? Is she some kind of feminist that expects her feet to be kissed?

Durka durka, mohammed jihad

As a white supremacist, I simply ignore her order, go my way and leave her behind without a look back.

maybe if she had a better pair, but I apologize for nothing.

I'm not really a feet girl but sure im down for it

Why the fuck would anyone accept a request from some smelly shit skin?

Would you accept?


laugh at the way she said it

Dude, seriously?

I'm just trying to understand what's happening here? Why this woman in specific? Who is she? Is this some kind of meme? Is she a known feminist who has ever made a demand like this?

I think it's just a random post, why are you so intrigued? lol

Yeeah why

Sniff and sucking every toes

I don't know. I just would have found it hilarious if it was real or something.

It seems like Yas Forumstards love this kind of thing

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call her a shitskin and leave.

Is that neeko without makeup

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>tfw you're racist but this shit makes you diamond

If she was black I'd be on my belly letting her stuff her toes in .
my mouth. Otherwise fuck off bitch

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I would behead her for being a feminist whore.

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Why are you doing this to me?

Brown feet makes me horny

Are you white?

Yes, why?

Just wondering if I was the only one with mixed feelings about my fetish ahah