Hi friends, if I was to post a pic of myself would you fell me if I’m ugly or not?
Hi friends, if I was to post a pic of myself would you fell me if I’m ugly or not?
Of course user
we would probably tell you you're ugly even if you're not
Op, I will be honest with you, my dude
I feel reluctant to do it as I’m afraid of some of the people on this site lmao
Eazy look. Just post half your face, than the other half. At that point trolls will quit because most don’t want to exert to much energy into cropping both pics because they wan instant gratification.
Listen bro I wouldn’t lie to you. I would tell you that you’re either an ugly sack of shit or an incredibly handsome stud. It just depends on your genetics my guy.
No need to. You're already ugly
>afraid of some of the people on this site lmao
do i have to remind you where you are
hmmmm hmhmhm
Hmmm hmmm
Post the pic op
I already know I’m ugly it’s whatever
Op ditched us and we were tryna just help da homie
Why so harsh on yourself? Have people told you you’re ugly? Did a girl tell you you’re not handsome or something fam? That’s happened to me before but she was just trying to make me feel bad. Now I have a gf who’s supportive and calls me handsome.
genetics have shit to do with it.
this monstrosity was born from two people that were both voted sexiest alive (multiple times).
She looks fine she’s just got a strong over bite that she needs to fix
I’ve been complimented and been in a few relationships but I think it’s purely out of luck and personality, other than that I know for a fact I’d get insulted for being ugly on here
You gonna post or not op I’m waitin
Are you blind, user? She looks like that faggot Adam Lambert
Then why are you here man? This place is toxic and full of lonely losers (myself included) so please fam do yourself a favor and leave. Don’t degrade yourself anymore by being on this site.
She looks like one of those dudes on Monty Python
Don't listen to this user.Join us. Delve deeper into this cesspool
I can see that. Nice trips
Don’t be a bitch and post your face
Post a pic. Let us decide. Or you could fuck off back to facebook where you belong. Tell your mom I said hello
Op are you still here?
Fuck it.
You look fine. If I had to be incredibly critical of your appearance I would say your face is a little chubby. Other than that I’d recommend mewing to strengthen your jaw. However please ensure that you mew correctly or you can possibly damage your teeth’s alignment.
Not ugly. Too bad for the brown skin though
You see we’re not that bad
No homo of course but u kinda cute
Thanks for the honesty guys