This. this is what happens when you lead men on with your shitty "gIvE mE nItRo" shit...

this. this is what happens when you lead men on with your shitty "gIvE mE nItRo" shit. simps seem fine when you just hear about them giving you nitro and loving you but when you block all contact with them after you get what you want and only talk to them for them to give you shit its a dangerous game that can end up alot worse than you think. Bianca Devins deserved everything she had coming to her, and these bitches that just use men for whatever they want should be careful.

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Shut up incel


big time fag

Women will never sleep with you. Either you neck yourself or neck yourself.

Lol fag after I'm done fucking my girlfriend, I'm going to find out who you are and fuck your dishrag whore mother

why are you saying this on a place where literally no one gives a shit? where no one who matters will hear you? where absolutely nothing will come of what you are saying? go post on facebook or something if you feel so strongly.

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Anybody with common sense shouldn't just buy shit for someone when it's obvious that their way out of their league, it's natural selection for women and they get alot of money out of them it's smart and it's been going on for ages they should know to not be going for a 10 when their a 1 it's obvious lol

look at all these normalfags getting baited

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Dont try and samefag to try and save face OP. You're a fag. Get over it.

this guy gets it.

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dumb nigger spotted

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Doesn’t she look so much better like this?

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nah, she looks better with red stained clothes and half of a neck.

As long as she’s wearing them nose hooks.

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I am genuinely attracted to the way her dead body looks. I would love to stick my dick down her throat and see it through the side of her neck.

>go to liveleak
>search 'dead woman'
>post on Yas Forums


Assmad incels please leave forever

can you imagine being so mad and horny that you post this rant in hopes to impress strangers on the internet.

chill out loser, you're ugly or fat or both, fuck it. one day you will find a drunk fat girl who will play with your pee and who knows you might fall in love, but just shut the fuck up and stop being mad you can't get hot pretty girls. it's your fault for having a shit attitude. Change that.

Are there other photos?

there was apparently a video that was never released, sadly. if this had gone to trial and he tried to claim innocent we couldve seen it

Did her nudes ever surface lmao

go back to your 20 porn threads faggots

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I've seen them around, nothing you can search up though, since she was literally 17 years old.

leave forever assmad incel

ive probably been here longer than you are old babby boy if a thread like this triggers you you might feel more at home on 9gag

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>has been here since 2012
>thinks he's an oldfag now
Nah, you're just reddit run-off faggot now fuck off and lurk moar

Yeah idk why some people can’t be honest with what they see. Is it Hollywood? Did they watch Seth rogen get a woman too many times?

Real men move on taking with them the wisdom gained from the experience. Real men don't sperg out like that.

I think we all know what you are, other than a faggot

oh i get it, this is the only place on the internet where that is supposed to be okay...and we're all supposed to support you and get mad too.

look at this tyler durfen edge lord posting gore, if your mummy finds out she's gonna take away your fortnite box.

OH wait you faggots all worship JOKER meow

The reactions to this thread show just how cucked Yas Forums is in the current year. Just shut the website down, lol.

its never happened to me, i just wanted to rant about it after i researched the case for an english project

Haven't seen them at all and didn't know she wasn't 18. Rip

HOLY FUCK if i had a nickel for everytime I cornered a faggot for talking shit online or doing some weird ass shit on the internet and they some shit like "OH I was just researching it for a ______"


i'm being serious, i barely even knew what discord nitro was until recently and only use discord to talk to friends, im literally in no severs at all but okay.