Just got a heap of seeds. What's the best way for germination? Living in warm sub-tropical location

Just got a heap of seeds. What's the best way for germination? Living in warm sub-tropical location.

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Put them in the dirt and pour a little water on it. Germination is a waste of time

From experience?

Yes, started growing a few years ago and had 3 successful grows

Dumb. Spoken like somebody who has never really done a proper grow.

Paper towel method works best. Germinate ahead of time so you don't plant seeds and wait 2 weeks to find out they didn't take.

Awesome. Thanks. What's your view on trimming the top of the plant to keep it wide not tall. You tried it?

Yeah ive head about this. Could you detail the process?

Just bend them over and tie the top to a stake in the ground when they get too tall. It’ll start to grow like a bush then

>finally find a seed
>two months in
>forget to close door when asleep
>wake up
>cat ate most of the plant
>also peed in the planter
never been so depressed

Pop them under your foreskin and gi for a run. When yiu get back you will have oz's falling out of your dickskin.

wet them and put them under a light mane


If they’re good seeds just throw them in the dirt with a little bit of water. If they’re kinda old then yeah I say germinate them in a paper towel or a cup of water

Do the seeds germinate themselves in paper towel when they grow in the wild? I don’t get why people like you have such a hard-on for germinating seeds like that. It’s easier to just throw them in the dirt and let nature take its course. Never had a single problem doing it that way

Fuck off. You dont need to do that.

Part sun? Or shade untill they mature?

op the guy you are responding to obviously has only done 1 grow
the first plant I grew I was fussy and did all that shit now I can't be fucked because it's going to grow anyway without all the fuss

Yes you do. Planting a seed that is dead (was never going to germinate), into a container with soil and watering it for 2-3 weeks before you give up and realize it's dead is a waste of time and soil.

Now if you grow a lot of plants, you will be wasting a lot of time doing that. If you are just some nigger throwing a handful of seeds into a single container, then feel free to skip germination, because you aren't going to succeed anyway.

10+ years of commercial growing right here.

nigger what is this im reading? You had lights and a tent and filter but waited to find a bagseed to start growing just 1 plant? are you some kind of retard?

Hey anons, I have anxiety and I want to try weed, I'm tired of benzos. Is indica really better than sativa? I mean, for anxiety and insomnia.

100% serious here have you tried sticking the seeds up your pooper? Thatd be pretty warm and itd be fertilized too


Watch out, we got marijuana experts in the house. People like you are really fucking annoying

no I'm just a stoner that found a seed in my bag a while ago

stick em in the ground and fuckin water em bud

Wet water towel in a sandwich baggie. Put in a shoebox in a warm area. Don’t let them mold. It’s hard to fuck up

This is literally all you need to do.

It makes no difference, do whatever you are comfortable with that develops a stronger relationship between you and the plant

Paper towel method.

Depends on your situation. I like sativas more because it distracts me from my anxiety rather than slows it down. but generally yes indica is better for what you’re seeking

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Yeah, people who have worked a job for 10+ years and acquired practical experience are the worst.

Everybody should be a worthless btard like you with no redeemable skills, talents, abilities, passions, etc.


dont post that nonsense

Germinating in a power towel not only allows you to plant only good seeds into the soil but you can also orientate the seed so that the roots go down and stem goes up....yes nature would eventually figure out which way to grow but why not make it easier for the plant?